last few days to catch The Cup Collaboration online

Still a few lovely cups up for grabs! 

Participating Artists: 
Ayumi Horie USA & Sophie Moran AUS

Katherine Wheeler AUS & Marina Pribaz AUS

Sandra Bowkett AUS & Janetta Kerr Grant AUS

Kathryn Mitchell IoM & Niharika Hukku AUS

Ana Maria Jensen AUS & Adriana Christianson AUS

Shannon Garson AUS & Vanessa Lucas AUS

Diana Fayt USA & Linda Fahey USA

Carole Epp CAD & Jenna Stanton CAD

Jane Sawyer  AUS & Frida Birkic AUS

Bridget Bodenham AUS & Jo Ruchel AUS

Whitney Smith USA & Erinswindow AUS

Vicki Grima AUS  & Aleida Pullar AUS

Katie Jacobs AUS & Mariko Paterson AUS

Joey Burns AUS & Zak Chalmers AUS

Yen Yen Lo AUS & Vanessa Holle AUS

Angela Walford AUS & Sue McFarland AUS

For all enquiries

contact –

Adriana Christianson

[email protected]


Chandra Debuse exhibition – Fair Shares

#CollabColoringJar 2015
Wheel thrown midrange red stoneware, slips, sgraffito, colored pencils, crayons
goers are invited to collaborate by adding color to the jar.  Those who
snap a photo of their contribution and post it to instagram with the
hashtag #collabcoloringjar and tag @chandradebuse, are entered in a
chance to win the jar at the end of the exhibition November 20th.

Dream Wreckers Platter, 2015
Handbuilt red stoneware, hand drawn illustration, slip, sgraffito, inlay, underglaze, glaze, various washes
Fair Shares Gallery View
Platters and Jars pictured
Wall Flowers, 2015
5.5 feet x 4 feet x 4 inches
Ceramic and mixed media