technical tuesday with @floriangadsby
“Faceting the bowls posted yesterday. I’ll quickly trim the outsides to remove any throwing rings, these have a tendency to throw off the spokeshave, the wooden tool I’m using with a sharp blade in the middle and make my cuts less consistent. The difficulty with these is catching them just at the right moment in terms of dryness, they need to be just on the harder side of leather hard. Once these have been faceted I’ll score and slip a lug handle onto one side. I’ve found this particular piece quite challenging, the faceting process can be really irritating as one wrong cut can wreck the pot.” #pottery #ceramics #ceramic #clay #liveauthentic #craft #craftsmanship #handmade
call for entry: Tea – The Ritual and the Art – Celebrating Culture and Practice
monday morning eye candy: Matt Repsher
residency opportunities: NCECA International Residency Partner Programs
DEADLINE: December 17, 2016
NCECA International Residency Awards support projects that are
approximately one month in duration, to occur between April 2017 and
March 2018. Residency dates vary; check details below.
For 2017, NCECA is pleased to partner with:
- Medalta International Artists In Residence Program
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
- Celebrating 10 years at Curaumilla Art Center with NCECA Residency
Santiago, Chile
The purpose of NCECA is to promote and improve the ceramic arts
through education, research and creative practice. One of the many ways
that NCECA supports its members is by providing opportunities to engage
in international programs. Intercultural exchange of ideas and methods
is critical to evolution of individual artists who through their
immersion and experimentation, absorb and sometimes transform influences
of other artists and their cultures. NCECA has participated in programs
in Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe and South America. Global
interface will continue to play an important role in NCECA’s efforts to
sustain and advance a vibrant ceramic art and education community.
The award amount available for 2017 will be $3750.00 per residency.
Partnering residency centers are expected to support the artists through
in-kind and/ or monetary support subject to their available resources.
Prior to submitting an application, artists should visit and review the
residency websites below to learn about each program’s costs,
facilities, unique experiences, and application requirements.
Application materials may include the following items but each
application process may be different; Letter of Intent, Artist
statement, Resume/CV, 10 images, etc.
Medalta International Artists In Residence Program
713 Medalta Ave SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Primary Contact: Noriko Masuda
Email: [email protected]
An eight-week residency is available only July 3 – August 30, 2017
International Visa is not required.
Approximate total cost for an eight-week residency is $4060.00.
Medalta will provide up to $1760 in-kind support and NCECA has budgeted
$3750.00; the selected artist is responsible for costs beyond the
budgeted amount; Studio fees, services, firing fees, miscellaneous
expenses. This cost is only an estimate and could change depending on
varying factors such as material/firing usage, food consumption, and
travel distance. In-kind support provided by residency is for specified
items and amounts. CLICK HERE for application process.
Celebrating 10 Years at Curaumilla Arts Center with NCECA Residency
Director: Marilu Pelusa Rosenthal
Primary Contact: Marilu Pelusa Rosenthal
Mailing Address: La Disputada 37, Lo Barnechea, Santiago
Country: Chile
Telephone: (569) 8428 0745
Email : [email protected]
A four-week residency is available April 2017 – November 2017.
International Visa is not required.
Approximate total cost for a four-week residency is $4000.00.
Curaumilla will provide up to $1900 in-kind support and NCECA has
budgeted $3750.00; the selected artist is responsible for costs beyond
the budgeted amount; materials, firing fees, miscellaneous expenses.
This cost is only an estimate and could change depending on varying
factors such as material/firing usage, food consumption, and travel
distance. In-kind support provided by residency is for specified items
and amounts. CLICK HERE for application process.
Full details and eligibility are on the NCECA website here.