CALL FOR PAPERS: Canadian Craft Biennial Conference Can Craft? Craft Can!
September 15 and 16, 2017
Burlington and Toronto
Art Gallery of Burlington in collaboration with Craft Ontario is
organizing the first Canadian Craft Biennial Conference to be held
September 15 and 16, 2017 in Burlington and Toronto, Ontario.
are eleven sessions covering a variety of themes and approaches. To
submit a proposal to a session, please send an abstract (250 words) with
your contact information, a short biography (100 words) to the convener
of the session you would like to join by 30 November 2016. The full description for each session can be found at
sessions will include four (4) presentations of twenty (20) minutes
each followed by a question period. Number of Pecha Kucha presentations
in session five is at the discretion of the conveners. All sessions are 1
hour 45 minutes in length.
1. Indigenous Craft Today: Tradition, Innovation, Action
Convener: Elizabeth Kalbfleisch, Independent Scholar
Email: [email protected]
2. Craft and Wilderness: Combatting Territorial Amnesia
Convener: Amanda Shore
Email: [email protected]
3. Somewhere Between Folklore, Modernity and Utopia: Expo’67 and the development of Fine Crafts and Métiers d’art in Canada
Convener: Bruno Andrus
Email: [email protected]
Note: Bilingual Session; Propositions in French and English are welcome.
4. Decolonizing Craft: contemporary craft, race, and decolonial practice in Canada
Conveners: Anthea Black, OCAD University & Nicole Burisch, Independent critic/curator
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
5. The Openness of Craft: Complexity in Current Practices
Convener: Ruth Chambers, University of Regina
Email: [email protected]
6. Identity, Craft / Métiers d’art and Marketing
Convener: Susan Surette, PhD, NSCAD University and Concordia University
Email: [email protected]
Note: Bilingual Session; Propositions in French and English are welcome.
7. Round-Table Session Title: Making Sense: Exploring Creative Methodologies
Convener: Julie Hollenbach PhD Candidate, Department of Art (Art History), Queen’s University.
Email: [email protected]
8. Craft and Public Art
Kathy Kranias, PhD Student, Humanities Department, York University, and
Lera Kotsyuba, Research Assistant Intern, Ontario Heritage Trust
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
9. Making Education: The Changing Nature of Teaching Craft
Convener: Dorie Millerson, Assistant Professor, Chair, Material Art & Design, OCAD University
Email: [email protected]
10. Craft’s Collaborations
Convener: Mireille Perron, Alberta College of Art + Design
Email: [email protected]
11. The digital ties that bind: Practice-lead research in craft
Convener: Stephen Bottomley, Senior lecturer, Edinburgh College of Art/ University of Edinburgh
Email: [email protected]
The full description for each session can be found at
movie day: The Story of Peter and the Potter NFB
residency opportunity: c.r.e.t.a Rome
CITY OR COUNTRYSIDE? 2017 international artist residencies at c.r.e.t.a. rome
have just posted the 2017 dates for our short-term residencies in Rome,
Founded in 2012, c.r.e.t.a rome is an international centre for
ceramics and the arts co-founded by American art-historian, Lori-Ann
Touchette and Italian ceramic artist, Paolo Porelli. We offer
residencies in our studio in the historical centre of Rome and also in
the countryside near the lake of Bracciano. The first application
deadline is 1 November 2016. For more info, see our web-site ( or contact us at [email protected].
c.r.e.t.a. rome
via dei Delfini, 17
00186 Rome, Italy