emerging artist: Mia Riley

“My work
is centered on my relationship to the natural environment. I believe
that what defines the wilderness is what we project upon it; that a
journey into this environment is also a journey within oneself. The
contrast found between using our external experience of solitary natural
settings to stem the discovery of internal meditations has become the
foundation for my recent work. I research ways in which visual elements
of contrast can symbolize dualities that exist within a larger context,
most notably in regards to an individual’s relationship to natural
landscapes. In creating contemplative vessels I seek to evoke opposing
feelings; intimacy and distance, movement and quiet, and roughness and


residency opportunity: Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild

Byrdcliffe Artist in Residence program provides artists of exceptional
talent with uninterrupted time and creative space to research and create
new work. Lasting four weeks (or a possible eight weeks for ceramic
artists), residencies provide artists with private studio space within a
community of peers and the serene natural setting of the Byrdcliffe Art
Colony. Artists are invited to participate in open studios,
work-shares, communal dinners and field trips, or may spend their
residency working in the creative solitude of a private studio.
Byrdcliffe’s residencies are particularly beneficial to those who find
it restorative to live in a simple, communal environment in close
proximity to natural beauty.
by the Catskill Mountains and just west of the Hudson River, the
Byrdcliffe Art Colony is home to over 80 artists each year, with 60
being hosted by the Artist in Residence Program while the remainder are
those who benefit from our artists’ housing. Beyond the AIR program, the
Colony is comprised of more than a dozen artist cottages, the
Byrdcliffe Theater, the Byrdcliffe Barn, a tennis court and the Mt.
Guardian hiking trail, as well as the Kleinert/James Center for the Arts
which is located in the center of Woodstock. At Byrdcliffe creative
time is sacrosanct, and artists are given free rein to decide what
activities will contribute to their residency experience. Byrdcliffe
offers a unique experience in simplicity of living amid the natural
beauty of a 250 acre campus of protected fields and woodland. At the
same time, Byrdcliffe provides the opportunity to live in a community of
creative people of all ages and backgrounds who are dedicated to
honoring the creative spirit.
Please apply using the Visual Artists’ online application!! Byrdcliffe
accepts artists working in handbuilding and wheelthrowing techniques. To
be eligible for the residency, artists must have prior experience in
glaze mixing and kiln firing. CERAMIC ARTISTS CAN APPLY FOR 8 WEEK SESSIONS.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2017

Session Dates: Each
four week session is limited to 12-15 individuals. Candidates may apply
for additional weeks in the event a space becomes available. Most
sessions conclude with an Open Studio where residents share their work
with each other and the regional artistic community.

    • Session I: May 31 – June 26, 2017 (4 weeks)
    • Session II: June 28 – July 24, 2017 (4 weeks)
    • Session III: August 9 – September 4, 2017 (4 weeks)
    • Session IV: September 6 – October 2, 2017 (4 weeks)

residency opportunity: Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts

The Arrowmont Artists-in- Residence Program was established in 1991. The program provides early career, self-directed artists time, space and support to experiment and develop a new body of work in a creative supportive community environment of 160 rotating visiting workshop artists/instructors and hundreds of students. The program encourages early career artists who embrace community and enjoy working in a team environment to apply.

Each year, five artists working in different media are selected to participate in the 11- month program, which begins in mid-June and continues through late May of the following year. Artists are given a monthly stipend, shared housing with private bedrooms and meals (during workshop sessions), and a private well lit studio with climate control, a basic work table, shelving and sink. Professional development opportunities are made available though funding and networking sources. At the conclusion of the program, residents exhibit their work collectively in the Arrowmont main gallery and have opportunities to sell their work through Arrowmont’s Artist Outfitters Store.

Application Due Feb. 1.

This information and additional details can be found at: http://www.arrowmont.org/artist-in-residence/

call for entry: Images on Clay

Nevada, Las Vegas “Images On Clay” (April 6–28) pottery is a canvas that has lasted through time to share the lives of past cultures. Open to work that explores different imaging techniques on clay.
Fee: $35 for up to 2 entries.
Juror: Jason Bige Burnett with CAV’s Peter Jakubowski.
Contact Thomas Bumblauskas,
Clay Arts Vegas,
1511 S. Main St.,
Las Vegas, NV 89104;
[email protected];