Since the dawn of humanity we have been on a path of inventiveness where nature has inspired us to create. From the earliest times fire, earth and water are the elements used to create the first useful tools – pots.

The shards of pottery discovered by archaeologists through the ages have been the jigsaws that show us how ancient cultures have developed. From crude but useful pots for cooking in or carrying oil to sublime examples of the greatest Chinese porcelain, human creativity knows no bounds.

From the first, we mixed earth and water to make clay and rolled and coiled it to create a wonderful array containers of shapes and sizes. It was possible to build thicker walled and taller vessels. This technique allows greater control as they are built up and to make the vessel look bigger and bulge outward or narrow inward with less danger of collapsing.

Fast-forward to the 21st century and UK based ceramicist Jonathan Keep – who still likes to be called a potter, has created a link with our ancient past by using latest technology to make his incredible work. He uses the very latest technology to explore the relationship between nature and culture. In the same way as our forefathers, Jonathan has made a 3D printer to extrude coils of clay to build his work.. He shows how nature and inventiveness once again combine to create incredibly original, sensual and highly organic examples of the potter’s art.

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