Greetings Artists, Artisans and Craftspeople We are the Craft Connection and Gallery 378 located in Nelson BC, “the finest little art town in Canada” The Craft Connection is a Co-Operative owned and operated by twelve professional artisans. As well as displaying the members work we also represent about eighty artisan consignees and forty artist consignees. We have been in business for twenty-seven successful years in Nelson representing a wide range of artisans from our area. We recently moved into a new and larger building, the lower floor becoming our Gallery 378.
Our gallery proudly displays fine art and craft from around the region and we are looking to expand our repertoire of artisans and artists. Our consignment commission is 60/40; we have a $15 jury fee and an annual $30 consignment fee. We are interested in hearing from professional artists and artisans who are interested in having their work juried for display and sale in our store. All the necessary application information can be obtained from our website( Please click on the “forms” button.
Lance Hall is presently Chair of the Craft Connection Board of Directors. You can contact him at 250-226-6876 or [email protected] if you have any questions.
Hi Lance, My name is Susan Cooley of Akasha fine art glass out of Nelson. I found your blog while browsing art sites today. Thanks for this info. I am interested in having my work juried for display and sale in your store. I will call you later.