Sustainability – Issue #3 Call for papers
The Carbon issue – Sustainability in craft and designThis issue welcomes academic papers documenting research that contributes to an understanding of sustainability as a context for craft and design. This understanding ranges from the practical to the symbolic.Papers can include:
- A review historical movements such as the Arts & Crafts movement or Bauhaus
- A reflection on current craft and design projects
- An engagement with contemporary sustainability discourse
- A speculation on the future of craft and design in a world more than two degrees warmer than today
- A critical examination of the relationship between sustainability and the aesthetic dimension
Specific areas of interest include: Green thumbprint Can handmade production provide a more sustainable alternative to industrial processes? Craft ethicDoes the broader ethic of craft, involving local production, symbolic value and social exchange provide an alternative to global consumerism? Carbon aesthetics How does the material and organic dimension of craft appear from the ‘cloud’ of online communication – as outmoded or higher truth?Papers are due on 30 June 2010. It is highly recommended that you send an outline to the guest editor by the 30 March 2010.Kevin Murray is Guest Editor for this issue. Inquiries, contact Kevin Murray at [email protected]Or Jenny Deves at [email protected]To submit papers please register onlineFor author guidelines