2010 IOC Juror – Simon Levin
For more information about Simon go to www.woodfire.com.
IOC 2010 JURIED COMPETITION & EXHIBIT – WORKSHOP – LECTURE Juried Exhibit at the Bemidji Community Art Center
The IOC 2010 exhibit is a juried competition focusing on, and dedicated to, functional clay vessels. Selected works will be a part of the exhibit at the BCAC from November 5th to December 18th, 2010. Prize money for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners equaling $1,600.00 and additional purchase awards for work going towards the Margaret Harlow Vessel Collection at BSU.
- Guidelines: for submissions are outlined in the It’sOnly Clay – 2010 Prospectus
- Deadline for submissions: all IOC 2010 Exhibit Application must be complete and postmarked September 3, 2010.
- Application fee: $30.00 for 3 entries.
- Exhibition Dates: November 5 through December 18, 2010
- Opening Reception and Awards: November 5 from5 to 7 pm.
Awards – In 2010 there will be prize money for 1st place $800.00, 2nd place $500.00 and 3rd place $300.00 plus additional purchase awards will be made with work going towards the Margaret Harlow Vessel Collection at BSU . “Throwing With The End In Sight” a Workshop with Simon Levin – this years day-and-ahalf workshop will be on the campus of Bemidji State University. Workshop dates are Thurs Nov 4th from 9am to 4pm and Friday, Nov 5th, from 9am to 12 noon. Find more information about the workshop and registration details, download the IOC 2010 Workshop Application . Fee for the 2010 IOC workshop is $25. Simon Levin Lecture The IOC Lecture will be on Wed, November 3rd at 7pm at the Headwaters School of Music and the Arts. The Lecture is free and open to the public.
Via Benidji Community Art Center
I like the tile for this show- seems I use that term a lot!