The NCECA Gallery Expo provides the opportunity to engage with the artwork of so many wonderful ceramic artists. We may not be able to gather and enjoy the objects and artists in person, but some participating artists will give live talks via Instagram and Facebook on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

During this challenging and isolating time we can come together as interdependent communities to create continuity of care and mutual aid to support one another. Please join the conversation, ask questions, and listen in. Check the schedule for the artist’s talks and times.

To view talks, log into instagram on your mobile device and go to the scheduled profile. When their profile picture says “LIVE” you can tap to watch!

movie day: Potter Linda Sikora & Alfred University, TEACHERS episode of Craft in America


Potter Linda Sikora, Alfred University, Wayne Higby, Andrea Gill, John Gill, Matthew Metz segment. TEACHERS episode PBS Premiere: September 15, 2016.

For more on Craft in America, visit
All Craft in America programs are now viewable on, the PBS iPhone/iPad app and
To purchase DVDs:

Thinking of You Sale at Mill Creek Pottery

7 am (CST) Wednesday March 25

We want to give thanks with you.


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We are all sheltered here at our home or huddled together at the pottery, not going out; beyond attempts to not drive each other crazy. We are missing working together and we are missing our friends and family. The speed at which the world is changing, the data on the number of people dying alone, and the unknowns about our economic futures are all overwhelming. Add to that the isolation necessary to limit the damage of this pandemic and loneliness floods in. Connection and gratitude are the salve to fear and frustration. I was talking with my apprentice Daniel Pfohl about these things and he spoke of a conversation he had with his father. Dan’s father runs a foundation that promotes the care of caregivers ( where he suggests that if we each call one person we have been out of touch with each day, and they call one person each day, and so on a radiating spread of love and connection will emanate forth building and growing, supporting and unifying us all.

We want to join you in saying, “I am thinking of you.” to all the people who’s presence has gifted us. On Wednesday, March 25th, Mill Creek Pottery will be having a “Thinking of You” Sale. As always you can brighten your own day with a purchase of handmade, woodfired clay made by Daniel Pfohl, Brian Chen and me (we did just have an excellent firing). But we want to encourage you to share connection and gratitude with special discount codes set up for this sale. If you are sending it as a gift to a friend, enter the code CAREPACKAGE and we will support your effort by taking 20% off your order.


WWII era African American Nurses, From the Smithsonian National Museum of American History

WWII era African American Nurses, From the Smithsonian National Museum of American History

We are also in tremendous debt to medical workers who will be pushed to the limit to test, care, educate and save us. They are working such long hours and risking exposure to do so. We honor them by staying home and not spreading the virus. We want to also share our appreciation with you all by offering a 50% discount off any purchase you make as a gift for anyone in the medical field. Send a mug to a doctor, a nurse, an EMT, a hospital administrator, an orderly, or a hospital custodian. Send them some love. You are helping support Dan, Brian and me, and partnering with us to say thank you. Enter the code MEDICAL and receive 50% off your order. (feel free to use this to gift yourself if you are working in the medical field)

Enter a note in the comment section and we will add a hand written message from you. Let’s lift each other up and make this historic time one where we draw closer.


technical tuesday: Duckbutt Cup with Candice Methe

So many incredible artists from our clay community are taking to the internet and sharing process videos. Honestly I’ve seen so many lately that it’s basically a 24/7 channel of inspiration out there! Candice Methe’s work is some of the loveliest out there and she’s shared this amazing multipart tutorial on her IGTV on instagram. Go check it out, and also note that she’s having a SALE on her site starting April 1st. Love the tutorial? Maybe consider buying her work!