Deadline- September 26, 2018
The 2019 NCECA Juried Student Exhibition will run concurrently with Claytopia, the 53rd annual conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 27-30, 2019. Ceramic artists Steven Young Lee and Linda Lopez will select works for the exhibition at Soo Visual Arts Center. For the first time, consideration for the exhibition will be open to those studying in higher education degree granting and post-baccalaureate programs in the United States as well as Canada and Mexico. Visit https://nceca.net/nceca-
2018 Emerging Artist – Andrew Stansbury
Deadline – Wednesday, October 3, 2018
NCECA believes that those creating work offering new/exciting/thoughtful perspectives on the ceramic medium, expanding upon genres of creative production and inquiry are qualified as candidates for its Emerging Artist awards. An Emerging Artist may be at the early stages of receiving recognition for his/her work but is currently underrepresented through exhibitions or publications that might otherwise bring the work to wide attention. The intent of the award is to recognize, cultivate and amplify vital, new voices of creative endeavor in ceramics. The award enables these artists to reach broader national and international audiences and impact discourse in the field.
NCECA’s Emerging Artists program recognizes exceptional early career artists highlighting them to an international audience during NCECA’s Annual Conference and promoting them year round through the NCECA blog. The awards include opportunities for increased exposure through exhibition and special events.
Matt Kelleher Emerging Artist from ten years ago, 2008 reflects…
“Looking back to the opportunity of NCECA Emerging Artist in 2008, I think of the scale. Presenting my work and ideas on such a large platform. It came at a perfect time for me as I was wrapping up a three year residency at Penland School of Crafts and heading out to set up my own studio and business. The event did not change my career overnight, but was more of a recognition of how I had grown up to that point.”
The NCECA Emerging Artist program deadline is coming up! October 3rd, 2018. Consider applying at 2019 NCECA Emerging Artist