movie day: The Artist’s Resale Right

Dr. Theodore Feder and Janet Hicks of the Artists Rights Society, Maxwell Graham, Hans Haacke, Lauren van Haaften-Schick, R. H. Quaytman, and Justice Barbara Jaffe Presentations & Discussion Wednesday, July 22, 2015,  In light of recent action at the congressional level concerning artists’ resale rights, this event will provide a public forum for discussion around the proposed legislation of secondary market art sales in the US, and will locate these developments in relation to historical and international precedents and alternative models. In 2014 and 2015 Congressman Jerrold Nadler (Democrat, 10th District of New York) introduced into congress the American Royalties Too Act, or ART Act, which would grant visual artists a resale right enabling them to collect a percentage of any works re-sold for a profit at public auctions over a value of $5000. While there have been many previous unsuccessful attempts to pass such legislation in the US, this current bill brings with it indications of a potentially different outcome: the Copyright Office recommended in a 2013 report that a federal resale royalty for visual artists should be adopted, this past May the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld portions of the California Resale Royalty Act concerning in-state sales of visual artworks, and this month the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) announced that they will discuss visual artists’ resale rights in December 2015. In order to stimulate discussion, and to ask what artists and the broader art community might want—or not want—from such legislation, this event brings together speakers from backgrounds in art, art history, and law for a series of presentations and discussions. Dr. Theodore Feder and Janet Hicks of the Artists Rights Society will outline the ART Act and the work they have done lobbying for the bill, followed by curator and art historian Lauren van Haaften-Schick, who will provide a historical perspective concerning artists’ contracts and the legal history of art in the US. These presentations will be followed by a discussion between art dealer Maxwell Graham, artists Hans Haacke and R. H. Quaytman, and Justice Barbara Jaffe, New York Supreme Court, New York County, moderated by van Haaften-Schick. The evening will conclude with an open floor debate, at which all present are welcome to share thoughts and experiences. Even if the 2015 congressional session does not vote on the bill, or if it fails to pass, the recurrent interest in the issue of resale rights for artists merits greater involvement and consideration of the issue from those who stand to be impacted most—artists. This event is the first in a series organized by the recently formed W.A.G.E. Artists’ Resale Rights Working Group: Richard Birkett April Britski Maxwell Graham Leah Pires Cameron Rowland Lise Soskolne Lauren van Haaften-Schick

call for artists: Warren MacKenzie Advancement Award

The Warren MacKenzie Advancement Award, founded in 2014 with Northern Clay Center, provides an opportunity for students and emerging artists to continue their ceramic research and education for a period of up to twelve consecutive months within the grant year, further expanding their professional development. This award is available to current undergraduate or graduate students, recent graduates (within one year), or those who have completed a university-equivalent training in ceramics (including apprenticeships) within the year prior to the application deadline.

During the grant year, the recipients can research a new technique or process, study with a mentor or in an apprenticeship setting, travel to other ceramic art centers or institutions for classes and workshops, collaborate with artists of other media, and travel. Proposals to fund large capital equipment purchases will not be accepted. Between one and three cash awards will be made in 2018, up to $4,000 each, for projects taking place between May 1, 2018, and April 30, 2019. Recipients contribute project updates to Northern Clay Center’s social media and are required to give a public presentation at their school or other institution. See updates from past recipients at

Applications for the 2018 Warren MacKenzie Advancement Award are due by 5 pm on Friday, April 13, 2018.

The Warren MacKenzie Advancement Award is made possible through the support of generous individual and institutional donors in honor of MacKenzie’s legacy of ceramic education, both traditional and non-traditional.

For more information and to apply, visit:

If you have questions, contact Jill Foote-Hutton at [email protected]