by Carole Epp | Nov 16, 2017 | call for entry

The Australian Ceramics Association
Members Exhibition
Tasmania 2019
Curator: Damon Moon
adj: clearly revealed to the mind or the senses
v: to appear or make apparent
n: a list of contents of goods in transit – from Latin manifestare
‘to discover, disclose’ or manifestus ‘caught in the act’.
At a time when there is a great resurgence of interest in Australian ceramics, the diversity
of practice is stretching traditional interpretations of what it is to be a maker.
To paraphrase the great Mexican writer Octavio Paz, contemporary Australian ceramics
does indeed transgress ‘the cult of utility and the religion of art’ and it is in the breadth
and ambition of its cultural and aesthetic reach that ceramics is finding new audiences
and a new way forward.
The Australian Ceramics Association Members Exhibition in Hobart will present
an overview of practice that showcases diversity and creates a space for dialogue.
Makers working across all styles are invited to submit proposals for MANIFEST.
Proposals should include a one-page CV, an outline of intended work
(no more than 200 words) and six images of recent work.
Deadline for proposals: 1 May 2018
Artists notified: 1 July 2018
Work due: 1 April 2019
Exhibition dates: May 2019; TBC
Exhibition location: Hobart, Tasmania; TBC
Note: All exhibitors must be a member of The Australian Ceramics Association at the time of the exhibition.
Please post proposals to:
Damon Moon, Curator
The Australian Ceramics Association
PO Box 677, Alexandria NSW 1435
share via Dropbox (or similar host) with [email protected].
For more information, please call TACA office: 1300 720 124
or email, [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Nov 13, 2017 | call for entry

Organized by the National Museum of Slovenia
17th May – 30th September 2018
The National Museum of Slovenia is setting up IV. International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018. The emphasis is on popularization as well as presentation of contemporary ceramics as an independent area in the field of artistic creation. Triennial is a connection between international and Slovene area and it gives a fresh insight into artistic ceramics. Its intention is searching for elementary artistic research in connection to contemporary thought. We are looking for new concepts, technologies and innovative research in the field of ceramic art that are connected to contemporary life.
IV. International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018 contains competitive part and accompanying events and exhibitions all over Slovenia. The National Museum of Slovenia will host the competitive part of the Triennial as well as the international exhibition of ceramics of students from Art Schools and Academies chosen by the invited mentors. All the addresses of locations, where exhibitions and events will take place, and all the timetables will be announced at our web site (
Call for application is international and public. Any individual artist or group of artists working in the field of ceramic art may participate in the IV. International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018. Ceramic artworks may include other materials which must not predominate. Each participant is allowed to submit up to two artworks or two projects consisting of several ceramic elements. Due to the limitations of the exhibition space one object must not exceed the dimensions 1.5x1x1 m, one project must not exceed the dimensions 2x2x2 m, two-dimensional artworks (suitable for hanging on the wall) must not exceed the dimensions 4×3 m. By applying, the artist assures that each ceramic artwork was created within the last three years. Members of the organizing committee, international jury are not allowed to take part in the competitive part of the Triennial. The works selected for the exhibition will be chosen by the international jury on the basis of the received documentation. The costs of sending and returning the artworks must be covered by the author.
Full application detail can be found here:
by Carole Epp | Nov 13, 2017 | call for entry

2017 winner of the Klytie Pate Award ‘A small brewed’ by Dianne Peach
Named after the renowned ceramicist Klytie Pate, the award offers a $3000 prize and is open to ceramicists all over Australia.
Entry forms and conditions: Download the Conditions of Entry and the official Entry Form on our Forms page.
Deadline for entries: Deadline for entries has been extended to 24 December.
More information: Initial enquiries may be made to the convener, Gill Belle on 0409 647 092, or by email at [email protected]