by Carole Epp | Mar 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

2016 Exhibition: October 14 to November 6, 2016.
Location: Gardiner Museum Gift Shop, 111 Queen’s Park (
Now in its 19th year, the Toronto Potters Biennial Exhibition
continues to be a leading event in our members’ calendars. We are again
partnering with the Gardiner Museum to bring our members and the public
the best of Toronto Potters’ work.
The Juried Show: will showcase and promote the best
sculptural and functional ceramics produced by Toronto Potters members.
Participants can submit up to 3 pieces which fall into either category:
“For Use” and ‘Of Expression”. Works juried into the show will be
selected based on their creative expression, originality as well as
technical merits, and will be eligible to win one of multiple awards.
These works will be displayed and sold in the Gardiner Museum Gift shop.
Entry fee: $45.00 plus updated membership.
Jurors: Angelo diPetta, Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Design, OCADU
Jess Riva Cooper, MFA, Adjunct Professor at Department of Craft and Design, Sheridan College
The Survey Show: will coincide with an exhibition to be held at the Gardiner Museum, True Nordic: How Scandinavia Influenced Design in Canada
and is open to all members of Toronto Potters. Participants are
encouraged to submit 1 or 2 pieces designed in response to the ideas
and concepts of Scandinavian design which prioritizes functionality
without eliminating grace and beauty – minimalist, clean simple lines,
The submissions for the Survey Show will be exhibited together in the
Gardiner museum lobby at the Biennial opening, and afterwards they will
be offered for sale at the Gardiner Museum Gift shop. Entry fee:
updated membership.
Important Dates:
June 1, 2016: Application form, fee and membership deadline
June 11 & 12: Jury and Photo Documentation process
October 7 to 9: Delivery of selected work to Gardiner Museum
October 14: Grand opening for Exhibition
Complete details and entry forms: Visit our website
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by Carole Epp | Mar 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

Tandem Ceramics and
Studio Potter are
combining forces to offer a dual internship in two different yet
congruent parts of the ceramics field: arts publishing and studio
The internship will be split into two sections: one half of the internship will be working with Studio Potter
editor, Elenor Wilson, assisting in publication production, archive
development, marketing and social media management, and membership
building; the second half will be working as a studio assistant under
Justine Barrett Figura of Tandem Ceramics, assisting in ceramic
production, market research, studio maintenance, and social media
The ideal candidate is a student (undergrad or grad) or emerging
artist with an interest in any of the following: writing, editing,
pottery, ceramics, art history, studio management, pottery production,
slip casting, plaster mold making, documentation/marketing of work.
Experience in plaster mold making and slip casting highly preferred but
not required.
Dates + Duration: Summer or Fall, 6 – 12 weeks
Pay Type: Paid
Weekly Commitment: 8-12 hours/week part-time
Application Due Date: May 1st / Rolling
by Carole Epp | Mar 31, 2016 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, technical tuesday
I can’t lie, I’m a huge fan of Medalta. It’s a home away from home and if they would just let me stay indefinitely with my family I would be there tomorrow and move in permanently. But you, yes YOU, have the chance to go and be a part of this world class facility and international artist residency program. You just have to apply.
So what exactly are you waiting for?
No really…get your applications in!
by Carole Epp | Mar 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Gulf Coast State College will host its Second Annual Ceramics
Symposium. The theme this year is “Word and Object”. The symposium will
be held in Panama City, Florida, from April 15-17, 2016 in the Amelia
Tapper Center in the Department of Visual And Performing Arts. This is a
great opportunity for attendees to learn from a diverse group of
professional artists. The artist/presenters include Ben Carter, Carole
Epp, Magda Gluszek, and Jill Foote-Hutton.
Together they will share the ways story
impacts and informs their creative process, studio output, and their
efforts to capture the contemporary story of American Ceramics. During
the Artist Demonstrations the audience will see a variety of
construction methods while panelist will cover topics including:
narrative as a leaping off point for form and decoration, the power of
the frozen moment in sculpture, the vessel as a format for stories in
the round, and development of character iconography.
The symposium will consist of interactive
workshops, lectures, panel topic discussions, demonstrations and the
exhibition, “Raconteurs”, on display from March 7 through the end of
the symposium.
Find full details and schedule here:
Don’t delay grab your spot today!!!
See you there ~ xoxx Carole