movie day: Céramique Contemporaine – Helvètes Vulcains

Le mudac consacre l’ensemble de ses espaces d’expositions temporaires à la céramique contemporaine, et ceci en deux volets.
part, le musée accueille au premier étage la IVème Biennale de
céramique dans l’art contemporain d’Albisola en Italie, sur le thème du
vase à fleur ; d’autre part, le mudac présente au rez-de-chaussée, et
dans une salle du premier étage, une sélection de sa collection de
céramique, ciblée sur la création contemporaine suisse, complétée de
créations récentes.
Un catalogue quadrilingue (français, italien, anglais et espagnol) accompagne l’exposition.

6 juillet au 25 septembre 2011 – mudac – Musée de design et d’arts
appliqués contemporains – Place de la Cathédrale 6 – CH-1005 Lausanne – – Réalisation du Teaser : Mandarine Films Marc Devaud

ceramics symposium and souvenirs from the future @ Lawrence Arts Center

Every two years, the Lawrence Arts Center hosts six nationally
recognized ceramicists in a symposium on topics central to the
contemporary ceramics art world. This rare opportunity offers a chance
to interact and observe ceramic artists working in the top of the field.
Over the course of two days, this select group of artists are active in
studios at the Lawrence Arts Center demonstrating sculpting processes,
wheel throwing, surface decoration and glazing, representing a diverse
range of techniques and approaches to ceramic art.  The six artists are
paired up in three studios at the Arts Center, to demonstrate their
techniques and encourage dialogue with the audience. Attendees are
encouraged to visit each of the three studios throughout the two day
symposium on Friday, October 10 and Saturday, October 11 from 9:30am to

This years artists are:

Sunshine Cobb
Gerit Grimm

Chris Gustin

Akio Takamori
Patti Warashina
Stan Welsh

souvenirs from the future

Curated by Ben Ahlvers
October 10 – November 22
Art Talk with Ben Ahlvers OCTOBER 23 | 7pm

This group exhibition explores juxtapositions whether they be visual
or conceptual as well as the connections that can be formed in the
context of a group exhibition. The works included in this exhibit looks
to the future in order to acknowledge the past. They make connections
and blur definitions of ceramic materials, processes. The exhibit
delectably and mysteriously explores tensions between nature and the
synthetic, the hand and the machine, history and the future. This
exhibit brings together nearly 40 artists working in North America, each
working with ceramic material and processes.

Adam Shiverdecker   Adam Welch   Amanda Salov   Angela Carbone   Brett Kern  
Brian Harper   Carole Epp   Colleen Toledano   David Bogus   Elenor Wilson  
Eric Mirabito   Ian F. Thomas   Israel Davis   Jess Riva Cooper   Joe Pintz 
John Zimmerman   Jon McMillan   Kala SteinKate MacDowell   Kelly Schnorr  
Kyle Bauer   Kyungmin Park   Linda Lopez   Lindsay Pichaske   Matt Ziemke  
Michaelene Walsh   Molly Ann Bishop   Rain Harris   Roberto Lugo   Sarah Gross
Scott Bennett   Shalene Valenzuela   Stephanie Craig   Tim Berg/Rebekah Myers  
Tim Rowan   Valerie Zimany