by Carole Epp | Sep 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
Chicken Cup – Karin Kraemer |
Friday, October 3rd 6-9pm
We happily invite you to attend the reception for Cup: The Intimate Object X,
which will coincide with the grand opening of the Charlie Cummings
Gallery’s new physical gallery location. Join us in celebrating this
exciting transition and this impressive assemblage of so many handmade
cups by these wonderful artists.
Some of the participating
artists will be in attendance. Don’t miss this opportunity to mingle,
shop, and celebrate the beloved cup!
New Gallery Address:
2040 NW 6th Street
Gainesville, FL 32609
The tenth installment of our annual cup show will feature 1000
handmade cups by over 200 artists from the US and Canada. The opening
reception will be Friday, October 3rd 6-9pm at our new gallery location, and the show will go live on our website the next day, Saturday, October 4th at 12pm.
No cups included in this cup show will be sold in person or online will be available to take home or ship until after October 24th when the show ends. From October 4th to 24th, the entire exhibition will be available to view at our gallery location and online.
Participating artists:
Acord, Liana Agnew, Linda Arbuckle, Andrew Avakian, JoAnn Axford,
Posey Bacopoulos, Noel Bailey, Marian Baker, Mariana Baquero,
Amanda M Barr, Nolan Baumgartner, Peter Beasecker, Sandra Blain, Zygote
Blum, Catherine Boswell, Brooks Bouwkamp, Jessica A Brandl, Mariko
Brown, Jason Burnett, Stormie Burns, Elaine Buss, Jeff Campana,
Benjamin Carter, Pattie Chalmers, Chris Chaney, Cheyenne Chapman
Rudolph, Steven Cheek, Fong Choo, Linda Christianson, Mark Chuck, Mike
Cinelli, Naomi Cleary, Blair Clemo, Julie Covington, Carolanne Currier,
Megan Daloz, Chandra DeBuse , Anthony Delaney, Elise Delfield, Harris
Deller, Julie Devers, Ashley Devitt, Susan Dewsnap, James Diem, Marissa
Domanski, Maria Dondero, Paul Donnelly, Rachel Donner, Scott Dooley,
Katy Drijber, David Eichelberger, Adrienne Eliades, Sanam Emami, Carole
Epp, Heather Mae Erickson, Michelle Ettrick, Linda Fahey, Adam Field,
Marty Fielding, Dina Finzi, Brett Freund, Matthew Lee Gaddie, Stephanie
Galli, Julia Galloway, Ernest Gentry, Bruce Gholson, Andrew Gilliatt,
Jon Glabus, John Glick, Lisa Gluckin, Magda Gluszek, James Gottuso,
Rebecca A Grant, Seth Green, Mel Griffin, Martha Grover, Bianka Groves,
Brian Grow, Nicole Gugliotti, Julie Guyot, Perry Haas, Amy Halko,
Steve Hansen, Jeni Hansen Gard, Chad Hartwig, Gary Hatcher, Lana
Heckendorn, Samantha Henneke, Autumn Higgins, Jennifer Hill, Steven
Hill, David Hiltner, Jessica Hodgson, Barbara Hoffman, Bryan Horn,
Noelle Horsfield, Meredith Host, Matthew Hyleck, Walter Hyleck, Sarah
Jaeger, Tom Jaszczak, Kyle Johns, Lydia Johnson, Jesse Jones, Jordan
Jones, Shikha Joshi, Shellie Kacillas, Lauren Karle, Peter Karner, Brett
Kern, Kelly King, Amy Kline, Barbara Knutson, Rob Kolhouse, Lucien
Koonce, Karin Kraemer, Justin Lambert, Martina Lantin, Robert Lawarre,
Dick Lehman, Glynnis Lessing, Brenda Lichman, Becky and Steve Lloyd,
Denise MacLean, Virginia Marsh, Lorna Meaden, Christopher Melia,
Melissa Mencini, Hannah Meredith, Catie Miller, Joe Molinaro, Steve
Murphy, Mark Nafziger, Ted Neal, CJ Niehaus, Brooke Noble, Shawn
O’Connor, Lindsay Oesterritter, KyoungHwa Oh, Deb Oliva, Gillian Parke,
Richard Peterson, Ronan Kyle Peterson, Chris Pickett, Teresa Pietsch,
Joel Pisowicz, Claire Prenton, Brenda Quinn, Jeremy Randall, Beau
Raymond, Dow Redcorn, John Reinking, Daphne Roehr Hatcher, Andy Romero,
Judith Rosenstein, Caitlin Ross, Audrey Rosulek, Kathleen Royster,
Kelsie Rudolph, Nigel Rudolph, Max Schauder, Pete Scherzer, Matthew
Schiemann, Melissa Schooley, Brad Schwieger, Sam Scott, Lindsay Scypta,
Yoko Sekino-Bove, Kate Shakeshaft Murray, Leland Shaw, Grace Sheese,
Luke Sheets, Amy Smith, Gertrude Graham Smith, Lauren Smith, McKenzie
Smith, Dylan Sonney, Andrew Steingass, Rebekah Strickland, Kyla Strid,
Michelle Summers, Katie Susko, Cheryl Takata, Joshua A Teplitzky, Iren
Tete, Ian Thomas, Anne Tilton, John Tilton, James Tingey, Sue Tirrell,
Kyla Toomey, Sandra Torres, Jack Troy, Sara Truman, Clovy Tsuchiya,
Jamie Walker, Julia Walther, Kurt Brian Webb, Julie Wiggins, Philip
Wiggs, Lana Wilson, Tara Wilson, Suzanne Wolfe, May Wong, Crisha
Yantis, Adam Yungbluth, Caleb Zouhary, and Future Retrieval.
by Carole Epp | Sep 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
Have you ever wondered why cone temperatures are seemingly
random? Have you been frustrated by a glaze that you can’t get to stop crazing.
Have you had enough of your clay body slumping? What is the deal with Cone 6 anyway? Have you ever wanted to
learn about how glazes work? Do you wonder what goes on in our clay bodies when
we fire them? Do you need a refresher in ceramic materials, or just want to
learn some cool things about clays and glazes?
The New York
State College of Ceramics at Alfred University has a new opportunity for all
ceramicists out there. This December and January we will offer our Glaze
Calculation and Raw Materials course online. The course will be offered during
our Allen Term, which runs the course of our winter break, December 15th
to January 16th. The class is open to everyone around the world who
wants to learn about ceramic materials. It is a perfect opportunity if you attended a school that
does not offer a materials course, or if you missed the window to take it at
your school. The course will be
offered for credit for students currently enrolled at other schools. It is also
open to the general public, if you are a lifelong learner. Maybe you are
someone just getting started in ceramics and want to know more about what is
going on when you fire a glaze. It is also perfect for the professional who
wants to develop the glaze they see in their mind, but just can’t seem to get
on their work.
We will explore everything you need to know about ceramic
materials. The nature of glazes
and clays, the background on raw materials, ceramic chemistry, how colors work,
oxidation and reduction, firing temperatures and schedules, glaze and clay
flaws and failure, special effect glazes, maximizing clay bodies, food safety,
the unity molecular formula. Everything that you need to know to make your
studio the best it can be.
The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University
is an internationally renowned school for the study of ceramics. We have a long
history of educators dedicated not just to ceramic art, but the holistic study
of Ceramics. Pioneers such as Daniel Rhodes, Val Cushing and John Gill have
strived to make ceramics a dynamic and exciting art form for over 100 years.
Alfred also has one of the world’s best ceramic engineering programs. Professors
like Dr. Bill Carty, pioneers in the study of ceramic science from the artist’s
Glaze Calculation Online will be taught by Matt Katz,
Alfred’s professor specializing in ceramic materials. Matt has been teaching
Ceramic Materials at Alfred for over 12 years. Originally studying in the
school of art and design, Matt went on to study with Dr. Carty for many years. Matt
has a special perspective of materials from both the artist and engineer’s
point of view. Matt’s experience
has allowed him to design a new version of glaze calculation that includes the
intrinsic knowledge of the artists with the wisdom of the ceramic scientist.
We hope that you will join us online this winter; it will be
a course you will always appreciate as you continue to strive to make your
studio experience better.
Course listing:
Topics: Introduction to Glaze Formulation Online – ART 300 01
For more information regarding enrolment please contact the
university at 607-871-2123
by Carole Epp | Sep 23, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
• Entry Fee: $30 per artist, up to three entries. • Work may not be larger than 20” x 20” x 20”.
• All work must be for sale. No single work may exceed $600 in value.
Artists will pay a 40% commission to the Gallery on all sales.
• Artist responsible for shipping cost to and from the Gallery,
shipping paid through FedEx only, all work must include pre-paid return
shipping label.
• Digital entry only, JPEG format, 300 dpi and no more than 2100
pixels at the longest dimension. All files must be labeled with artist’s
first initial and last name followed by entry number (ie, e.smith01).
• The Morean Arts Center reserves the right to photograph exhibited
work and use these or the artists digital images for repro- duction in
both printed and electronic materials for publicity.
Click here to download entry form
October 3rd, 2014 – Deadline to enter
October 10th, 2014 – Acceptance notification
October 30th, 2014 – Delivery of work, no later than 5pm 15, 2014 – Return of artwork
Juror: Adam Yungbluth
Adam Yungbluth received his Master of Fine Arts from The
University of Mississippi. After graduation, Adam became the Co-Owner of
the St. Petersburg Clay Company. As of March 2014, St. Petersburg Clay
Company has merged with the MoreanArts Center for Clay to become the
Morean Center for Clay. Adam is now the studio manager at the Morean
Center for Clay
Entry Form | Biennial PLate Show | November 1st thru 31st, 2014
Please complete and email images to [email protected] with credit card information, or mail with check or cash for entry fees no later than Ocotber 3rd 15th, 2014, 5pm.
Click here to download entry form