by Carole Epp | Jan 29, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Luke Syson was a curator of Renaissance art, of transcendent paintings of saints and solemn Italian ladies — serious
art. And then he changed jobs, and inherited the Met’s collection of
ceramics — pretty, frilly, “useless” candlesticks and vases. He didn’t
like it. He didn’t get it. Until one day … (Filmed at TEDxMet.)
Luke Syson joined the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2012 as the Iris
and B. Gerald Cantor Curator in Charge of European Sculpture and
Decorative Arts. This year, he co-curated the small but innovative
exhibition “Plain or Fancy? Restraint and Exuberance in the Decorative
Arts.” Before joining the Met Syson was Curator of Italian Painting
before 1500 and Head of Research at the National Gallery, London. While
at the National Gallery, he was curator of the exhibition “Renaissance
Siena: Art for a City,” and in 2011 he organized the groundbreaking
“Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan.”
Syson was
also one of the curators who organized the acclaimed Enlightenment
Gallery at The British Museum and was part of the team that planned the
new galleries for Medieval and Renaissance Art at the Victoria &
Albert Museum.
by Carole Epp | Jan 28, 2014 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
For Visual Artists, Writers, Ceramicists and Composers
The Byrdcliffe Artist in Residence program provides artists of
exceptional talent with uninterrupted time and creative space to
research and create new work. Lasting four weeks (or a possible eight
weeks for ceramic artists), residencies provide artists with private
studio space within a community of peers and the serene natural setting
of the Byrdcliffe Art Colony. Artists are invited to participate in open
studios, work-shares, communal dinners and field trips, or may spend
their residency working in the creative solitude of a private studio.
Byrdcliffe’s residencies are particularly beneficial to those who find
it restorative to live in a simple, communal environment in close
proximity to natural beauty.
Surrounded by the Catskill Mountains and just west of the Hudson
River, the Byrdcliffe Art Colony is home to over 80 artists each year,
fifty of whom are hosted by the Artist in Residence Program. Beyond the
AIR program, the Colony is comprised of more than a dozen artist
cottages, the Byrdcliffe Theater, the Byrdcliffe Barn, a tennis court
and the Mt. Guardian hiking trail, as well as the Kleinert/James Center
for the Arts which is located in the center of Woodstock. Byrdcliffe
hosts a regular schedule of artist talks, exhibitions, concerts, theater
productions and guided hikes, most of which are year-round. Public
events allow artists the opportunity to connect with the community at
large. At Byrdcliffe creative time is sacrosanct, and artists are given
free rein to decide what activities will contribute to their residency
experience. Byrdcliffe offers a unique experience in simplicity of
living amid the natural beauty of a 250 acre campus of protected fields
and woodland. At the same time, Byrdcliffe provides the opportunity to
live in a community of creative people of all ages and backgrounds who
are dedicated to honoring the creative spirit.
We have an Artist in Residence Program blog; check it out at!!
Byrdcliffe’s 2014 Artist in Residence Program application is available online: apply now!! The deadline for submitting your 2014 AIR application is March 15, 2014.
More details here:

by Carole Epp | Jan 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
January 24th – February 24th, 2014
MudFire welcomes Meredith Host for a return visit to our
gallery. This show, titled “Overlooked and Overlapped” is Meredith’s
first solo show at MudFire Gallery. Her layered content and
sophisticated color schemes are a real treat for any table.
Show opens online Friday, January 24th at 12pm and is also on view in
the gallery. Also in the gallery our Editor’s Choice show featuring
work that we didn’t get a chance to feature in our bustling holiday
175 Laredo Drive
Decatur, GA 30030
[email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jan 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
The first one is a fundraiser to help raise money for the St. Pete Clay
Artist in Residence trip to NCECA. Each resident has made tumblers in
he or she respective styles, the event will be held on Sat Feb 8th from
6-10 at St. Pete Clay. The tumblers will be $20 at the event and will
come with a drink, in addition to the event we are also offering the
tumblers for sale from Feb 1-7th they will be 20+8 shipping.
St. Pete Clay
420 22nd Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Phone: 727-896-2529
Email: [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jan 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
Elégantes, harmonieuses, épurées,…
œuvres céramiques de Daniela Schlagenhauf et Nathalie Jover surprennent.
la matière et les lois de la gravité, elles
tracent le vide et chorégraphient
simplement beau, à voir absolument.
20.02 de 18 :00 à 20 :00
Exposition 20.02 au 20.03.2014
Ouvert du jeudi au samedi de
14 :00 à 18 :00
Les Ateliers galerie
de L’Ô asbl
Rue de L’Eau, 56a _1190 Forest Belgique
Tel: +32.495.28.71.74
Mail: [email protected]