February 13 – February 24, 2014

Opening reception February 12 @ 530 – 7PM
NSCAD Port  Loggia
Bridget Fairbank is a Nova Scotian food activist concerned about food, aren’t you? Edible Provisions is
a collection of cutting edge work from various Artists working in
various mediums that address how and what we eat today. The works
exemplify the complexities of our eating in an epoch where dinner is

Curatorial Statement – Edible Provisions
has come to my attention that there are many artists making work about
food. These artists are actively questioning how we manufacture, grow,
procure and eat every day. There is a rich history to mine when it comes
to food relations sensual, domestic and industrial. I propose a call to
students and alumni who make such food oriented work for a group
exhibition: Edible Provisions. This past year I have seen ceramic
sculpture meat cuts hanging from rafters, portraits of people’s
fridges, pottery for the seasonal splendor and prints of farm machinery
that beckon questions of Cold War technology- all talk about our current
and crucial relation to food. 
NSCAD now Sandra Alfoldy is teaching a seminar on craft and food a
marker of the relevancy of such an exhibition. Dine by Design is this
week, Hungry Bowls the next, Art and Food Activism are linked as ever.
We have the opportunity now to showcase such work going on at NSCAD.  Edible Provisions
would bring together the many ideas, experiences and critiques of food
culture into a single exhibition space complicating the food
conversation in a dynamic visual manner. 
use of the gallery space is highly dependent on the works submitted and
their individual requirements and group requirements, all will be
managed by me as curator/coordinator and all managed in such a way to
deepen the conversation about food and the facets there in embracing and
showcasing the many opinions we have in regards to food carnivores,
omnivores, vegans and vegetarians, fast foodies, foodies, industrialists
and small scale farmers alike. The intent of the exhibition to make us
think about food.
Please note: The
PortLoggia is an open space gallery that students have access to at
night with out security and in no way will I or NSCAD/AnnaLeonOwnes
Gallery be responsible for damage or theft, the gallery is however
equipped with 24hr video surveillance. 
Shipping to and from the gallery will not be subsidized.

“I am very
excited about this show and know that so many of your blog readers make
work while thinking about food. As an odd side project to make the show
more feasible for non-Haligonians I’d be happy to accept mugs from your
readers and mail them a mug of mine in exchange at no cost. That way the
mug is displayed and in the show and becomes part of my collection as a
trade!” – Bridget