by Carole Epp | Oct 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
you may notice a new little image on the right hand side of the blog. it’s that rectangle over there that says donate/support/musing. let’s try not to talk about it too much, but it does need to be mentioned.
so i’ve been running this blog since 2007 and throughout the years the debate has raged regarding adding ads to the blog. sigh. i feel so awkward even talking about it…. personally i’ve never wanted ads. i’m kind of opposed to them. but there is a reality that needs to be addressed and that is that this blog – which i love and am passionate about continuing – is taxing on my time. the blog could be so much more i know. i’d love to see it grow and develop over the upcoming years, and i believe that it has grown substantially since 2007. but to do this i will have to put in more time. time that takes me away from my own artistic practice.
so i’d like to propose a different option rather than advertising on the blog. it’s simple really and you can either ignore it or you can contribute. up to you completely. if you so kindly would like to contribute to musing and all the work that goes on to keep the blog up to date, then all you have to do is click on that DONATE image and you’ll be redirected to paypal where you can send a contribution to [email protected]
i’m not asking for a lot. i know we are all broke and struggling as artists. but if everyone that read the blog gave a couple bucks a year it would be a huge difference.
i also am open to contributions of awesome art for my collection….but that’s another thing : )
okay, i’m sorry.
let’s be done with this awkwardness and go back to our lovely lives.
thanks for your time and all the ways in which you contribute to our clay community and to musing.
* it’s a simple process but a bit confusing. since i can’t just add a paypal donation button to the blog (must be a registered charity) this DONATE image will take you to a paypal page where you enter your email, my email ([email protected]) and a dollar amount you’d like to contribute. again many thanks.
by Carole Epp | Oct 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
and more, artists are interested in producing work that’s not only
beautifully designed and produced, but also environmentally friendly and
socially responsible. In Sustainable Ceramics, pioneer Robert
Harrison draws on more than forty years of working in clay to present
practical possibilities for ceramic artists. This book covers all the
factors to consider when going ‘green’, from fuels and alternative
firing technology to energy-saving methods, sustainable ways to collect
and use clay itself, and ways to deal with waste materials and save
water. Harrison suggests simple and achievable methods by which to
reduce the carbon footprint of ceramic art, and offers examples
throughout of potters and clay artists who reclaim, reuse and recycle in
their work. Sustainable Ceramics is an essential resource for
any ceramicist, studio or school wishing to reduce the impact of their
practice on the environment.”
Buy your copy or read more about it here:
and here.
by Carole Epp | Oct 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
Now this has to be one of my favorite ideas in a long time. A perfect holiday gift too…
Dear Human is creating one of a kind custom cups for you. It’s an interesting twist where in you collaborate with them on the creation of the cup. Read on what they are proposing:
Dear Human: “In the past year we made some major changes in our art practice,
moving studios and switching work from a primarily ceramic-object based practice to project based work, not focusing on a specific
material but using the most appropriate one in the given moment.
All that said, with such projects (especially funded ones) not so
easy to come by, while applying for some and working on self-directed others, we decided to do the Three Sweet Words project to help the
transition. With a limited edition of 300 cups, it is a bit like a mini-commission and a self-made kickstarter in one!
What we need are you, who like our work and like to drink from hand
made cups! Just give us three words, and we will use them in the custom designs as words, images and colour combinations. If this sounds
interesting, we would love to hear from you! Email, Facebook or come by and give us those Three Sweet Words.
If you would rather find yourself a completed one, we will have an edition of cups in our studio and on the website soon.
Each cup is unique and costs $50 plus tax or shipping when applicable.
Participants will need to give us three words, $10 deposit and allow 2-3 weeks for completion. We will ship them close and far.
by Carole Epp | Oct 23, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
by Carole Epp | Oct 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
The Alberta Potters’ Association has been representing the interests of
Alberta clay artists since 1968. Since that time the industry has undergone
many changes. We have heard from some of our members that some of these changes
are good and some are not, so now we want to hear from everyone involved in
ceramics, from clay artists of every persuasion: functional, sculptural and
everything in between; teachers, educators and administrators involved in
ceramics; gallery owners, clay suppliers and retail businesses. We want
to hear from you!
Tell us what you think and what you need to make this a successful
industry in Alberta.
Our strategies for 2014 and beyond will be based on your answers. This
survey is seeking general information initially to determine broad stroke
needs, and then with further discussion with you, focus in on detailed

Monika Smith, APA President