ENCAIX (FITTING) from Eva Rodriguez and Ignasi Llobet on Vimeo.
ENCAIX (FITTING) a film by Ignasi Llobet and Eva Rodríguez about the work of contemporary ceramics artists Jordi Marcet and Rosa Vila-Abadal (www.terracroma.net)
The pieces fit. Tones attract. Not fit all in harmony, some accept the company, others turn away. Place the appropriate fragment, but you know that this will mark the passage towards the end. Fragments escape, slip, fall down and many are broken. One by one. One plus one. Fitting. Fitting. Fitting. Feel the pleasure of the fit, agile and fast. A magic moment: everything fits. everything flows..
Enthralling! I found this pair of ceramicists with their awkward body language, strange way of restlessly interjecting over the other, only to say or reinforce what the other was saying, riveting. And then the work…a painstaking labour of love, commitment and skill that is well worth the wait for the reveal. I was emotionally attached and more by the end. It has been a while since a ceramic work has reached me emotionally. Thank you Carole for sharing.