emerging artist: Noelle Horsfield

I was raised on a farm in Southern Ohio where I spent my time reading
books, playing in the woods and creating things to amuse myself.  I
have always known that I needed to make art, so after high school, I
attended a variety of colleges, all majoring in fine arts, as well as
spending time at Haystack Mountain School of Art.  My love of making
things led me to try my hand at a wide variety of mediums before I
finally fell in love with clay.

When my husband Scott and I married in 1997, we decided we wanted to
experience living in different areas of the country, so we moved first
to Northwest Indiana, then to Maine, then to Massachusetts, and, due to
family needs, finally back to Ashland, Kentucky, which is near the homes
of both of our parents.  With hard work and time, we transformed our
basement into a functional and inspiring ceramics studio where I now
spend my days creating beautiful pottery and ceramic art.


Want to be featured as an emerging artist on musing? All you have to do is send me some images, a brief write up if you’d like, and a website if you have it to [email protected] If you could put emerging artist in the subject header of the email so it doesn’t get lost in my spam folder that would be great. Thanks! 

emerging artist: Zoe Slee

My artworks explore the idea of costume
through the use of theatrical influences and the main medium of ceramics. I
utilise this by focusing on repetition in my ceramic forms and experimenting
with ways of enhancing the body through the use of these forms. This idea
concentrates on augmenting areas of the human body as a response to the body as
a surface and space.
It is also through this use of ceramics
in conjunction with inspiration drawn from fauna that I am able to give my
ceramics pieces an element of softness. The robustness of the clay contrasts
with the natural fragility that the forms represent. This quality is something
that is extended and explored through the scale of the forms and the way they
are arranged in mass across areas of the garments.

Call for Entry: Potworks

Deadline: July 25, 2013
is an integral part of human existence around the world.  As long as
2,000 years ago pots were being made in Alberta.  The province’s current
clay scene features a rich array of classic, innovative and
experimental work by studio potters. This exhibition is looking to
highlight Alberta ceramic artists who create tableware or ceramic pieces
related to cooking, dining and celebration. Help us set the table with
your place settings, serving trays, salad bowls, drinking sets, baking/cooking pieces and more!
You can read the full call here: http://www.albertacraft.ab.ca/acc-calls-for-entry/
10186 – 106 Street NW, Edmonton, AB

a site 2 see friday: Pincu Pottery

Thanks Elise for sharing your work and website with us. Below is a bit that she wrote me regarding her business. I love the idea of a pottery class as opposed to a paint your own pottery approach!

A little background:  my business is geared toward experiential tourism –
living in a tourist town, I teach 2-hour ‘Make Your Own Pottery’
classes (as opposed to ‘paint-your-own.”)  My Facebook page is mostly
about student work – all the photos are of pottery done in those 2
hours, or a special ongoing kids class.

My webpage has images of my pots and info about my classes.  There are
links to info for my community college students, too, on history of
clay, etc.

Pincu Pottery
Bryson City, NC