Well NCECA in Houston is off to a great start, or at least it seems to be from what i can sense from way up here in minus 27C cold Canada. Enjoy your clay conference and sandal wearing adventures folks (no bitterness here….no sir….)
And Hide-n-seekah began this morning with some lovely pots being found. Congrats to those that won and best of luck to the rest of you in your hunting over the next few days. If you’re in the dark about Hide-n-seekah check out the details here and make sure to play along.
As for the rest of us living vicariously through facebook, instagram, twitter…I’ve decided we might need a support group to get us through the next few days and to address any FOMO issues (Fear Of Missing Out).

So if you’re like me and heading to the studio to work this morning maybe a podcast will help the time fly. Recently (back in January) I was interviewed by the amazing Ben Carter for his Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast. It was quite the honor, Ben is not only a great interviewer but an artist extraordinaire. I’ve been a huge fan of his work and his blogging for ages. So if you have a minute head on over for a listen to my late night ramblings with Ben, or check out the many other artists he’s interviewed in the course of his journeys.
I know, right? I was tweeting about this very thing this morning. Every year I hate not being at NCECA and vow to plan better next year. But next year, for realz.
Looking forward to hearing the interview with Ben! I love listening to his podcast when I'm walking to the studio… But it will have to wait til next week. Am at NCECA and it's awesome! No way I can go next year, so am soaking it all in!