West Virginia
University (WVU) China Ceramics announces Walter Ostrom as one of our
Fall Semester China Ceramics Program Visiting Artists!

More Info: http://art.ccarts.wvu.edu/international_programs/china_program

Join Walter and WVU at the Pottery Workshop this Fall Semester in Jingdezhen!

Ostrom is an influential ceramic artist who has revived and modernized
the making of low-fired tin-glazed pottery in Canada. He was born in
Binghamton NY and is a graduate of Ohio University. Walter recently
retired as the Professor of Ceramics at Nova Scotia College of Art and
Design (NSCAD). His work has been featured in collections and
exhibitions worldwide, including the Canadian Museum of Civilization and
the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Walter was one of the first
western artist/educators to begin traveling to Jingdezhen, to study,
teach, and research Chinese Ceramics.  Announcements for additional
Visiting Artists will be made in the near future.

Through a
unique linkage, West Virginia University and Pottery Workshop have
teamed to offer a comprehensive study and travel opportunity for
students and the serious advanced or professional ceramic
artist/potter.  Join us for a once in a lifetime experience and join us
in the Imperial Porcelain Capital of Jingdezhen.  Participants will have
the opportunity to study with some of China’s most prominent teachers
and ceramic artists.  For those who interested in undergraduate or
graduate credits, the WVU China Ceramics Program will enable you to earn
accredited WVU credits for the programs. 

Imperial Blue
& White Porcelain Capital of Jingdezhen, Qin’s Terra Cotta Army,
Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, the hustle and bustle of
Shanghai. Join us for a experience of a lifetime!

Fall Semester 2013
September 7 – December 14
(Dates and prices may vary slightly)
12 Credit Hours: Graduate or Undergraduate
Cost: 12 Credits/Tuition and fees $10,900*
6-Credits Studio Ceramics
3-Credits Chinese Ceramic Art History
3-Credits Basic Language and Culture
will be expected to pay for tools not supplied by the program, brushes,
personal acquisitions, and local travel outside of the program. 
Students may also be expected to purchase their own meals during the
Xian and Beijing travel components.

This fee covers the entire
cost of International airfare, in-country travel, all program fees,
insurance, living accommodations and 12 transferable credits from West
Virginia University.

If you or anyone you know may be interested in either of the 2 programs, more information and applications are available at:


If you have any questions feel free to contact us.  Hope to see all of you in Jingdezhen, China!

Shoji Satake
Assistant Professor of Art
West Virginia University
College of Creative Arts
School of Art and Design
Creative Arts Center
PO Box 6111
Morgantown, WV 26506
[email protected]