by Carole Epp | Feb 28, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
The Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute School of Art is seeking 7 qualified applicants working in different media for its NEW 12
month Artists-in-Residence program to begin Fall 2013. Arrival on
campus is expected during the week of August 19, 2013. Artists must
commit to the full 12 month residency program.

Objective: The objective of the Artists-in-Residence
program is to provide additional expertise and experiences and
awareness of new techniques and approaches to our students, faculty,
staff and general public within our educational programs at MWPAI. MWPAI
Artists-in-Residence will have the opportunity to work in a stimulating
unique environment that consists of our Museum of Art, Performing Arts
and School of Art. The MWPAI School of Art is comprised of two programs –
PrattMWP college program and Community Arts Education program of art
and dance. Artists-in-Residence must be willing to live and work as part
of a close-knit community in this perfect opportunity for an early
career artist. The Resident will have exceptional resources in which to
hone their skills, develop new works, gain experience as a working
artist or to pursue a teaching career, gain public exposure through
PrattMWP and CAE events, help educate the public about the arts while
making connections with the Utica community and have unique
opportunities to interact with Museum professionals and visiting art
professionals. The Artists-in-Residence will also have access for
personal and professional research at our on-campus Art Library that
hosts an impressive art reference collection of more than 26,000 titles.
Qualifications: MFA preferred with residencies available in the following studios: Ceramics, Communication Design, Dance (Costume Design), Jewelry/Metal Arts, Painting/Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture
Length of Residency: 12 months with opportunity for
renewal of 2nd year depending upon individual faculty/departmental
needs. Arrival on campus is expected the week of August 19, 2013.
For more details visit their website here.
Application and Selection process
Application deadline is March 15 with notification
to selected Artists mid-April. Interested applicants should provide the
following in their application packet: Cover Letter, CV/Resume, Artist
Statement, 15 to 20 digital images of recent work with corresponding
image list, images of student work if available, list of 3 professional
references and SASE for return of materials if appropriate may be sent
Ms. Janelle Roginski
Community Arts Education Coordinator
MWPAI School of Art
310 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13502
315∙797∙0000 ext. 2304
by Carole Epp | Feb 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
a 6-week e-course with Diana Fayt
Registration: $139
March 11 – April 18, 2013
(registration ends April 25th)
The Clayer, Part One: Surfacing, will be a place to learn how to
create rich and dynamic surfaces on clay. The course will run for six
weeks from March 11th to April 18th, 2013. During the six weeks we
will cover various surface applications on clay such as: mishima inlay,
monoprinting on clay, carving and printing with your own block prints.
We will explore using unusual objects as printing tools as well as
learn how to use other clay drawing media.
Throughout the course Diana will discuss image development as well as
teach you how make templates from your own images and how to transfer
those images to your clay surfaces. The setting will be a warm and
safe, no pressure environment, where we share what we make and learn
with other participants and positive feedback is encouraged.
You will also get a glimpse into Diana’s world, where she will share
her own personal inspirations, stories as well as a recipe or two. Are
you ready to be a Clayer?
by Carole Epp | Feb 28, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
The EnergyXchange in
Burnsville, North Carolina provides residencies for artists in Clay and
Glass, as they launch their careers. We’re accepting applications for 2
Clay residencies, both beginning in October, 2013. Applications are due
May 15, 2013.
The EnergyXchange
Craft Incubator program was established to support six talented artists
in starting, managing, and operating their own small businesses in the
crafts of glass blowing and pottery. The residents have years of
experience already devoted to their respective craft. The goal of the
program is to help artists at the beginning of their careers further
develop both their craft and business skills, leaving EnergyXchange with
the ‘know how’ and experience necessary for success on their own or in
other craft studios.
artists while at EnergyXchange perfect their craft, develop their
businesses, and live in our community. The program supports two glass
artists and four clay artists. The clay kilns and glass furnaces are
fired with landfill gas at no additional cost to the residents. In the
creation of their pieces of art, the EnergyXchange artists are also
helping the environment and the local economy.
idea for EnergyXchange was created through the partnership of three
organizations–Blue Ridge Resource Conservation and Development Council
(BRRC&D), HandMade in America (HandMade), and Mayland Community
College (MCC)–all recognized for their strong track records in
education, the promotion of crafts, and community and resource
development and environmental protection in Western North Carolina. EnergyXchange
has become one of the nation’s model energy recovery projects and is
used regionally, nationally, and internationally as an example of
successful small landfill gas projects. Methane
gas from the decomposing trash powers a hot shop for glass blowers, a
pottery kiln, and supplies radiant heat for the studios, greenhouses,
education center, offices and art gallery.
Please visit
by Carole Epp | Feb 28, 2013 | Uncategorized

So back in January you’ll likely remember me writing about Arrowmont and the amazing artists I meet there over the course of a week long residency called Ceramic Surface Forum, put together by the sickly talented, and ever so lovely Jason Bige Burnett. Well I’m thrilled to say that this Friday “In the Mix” will be opening at Crimson Laurel Gallery and will include work by all of these incredible artists. Just looking through the images tonight to put together this post I was struck by how much I missed them all and by how much I learned from them even in such a short period of time. So it’s a honor that my work will be shown beside these great artists, and in such a prestigious gallery as well. If you’re in the neighborhood please stop by and check it out in person. And take some pictures for me as my heart will be there, but sadly I can’t make the long trip!
Artists in order of images above:
Adams Puryear, Alex Irvine, Ben Carter, David Eichelberger, David Gamble, Elisa Difeo, Elizabeth Kendall, Carole Epp (that’s me!!!!), Emily Reason, Kelly O’Briant, Lana Wilson, Natalie Tornatore, Rachel K. Garceau, Roberta Massuch, Richard Nickel, Sandi Pierantozzi, Tracey Gamble, Nathan Prouty
23 Crimson Laurel Way
Bakersville, NC 28705
(828) 688-3599
[email protected]
by Carole Epp | Feb 27, 2013 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Time’s running out – if you’re thinking of applying
for a Residency at Medalta, our deadline is approaching! We have a great
lineup of short and long-term opportunities available for you. To
apply, fill out our residency application form and submit your package
by April 15.