East & West Clay Works. 
Mei-ling Hom, Cloud Bend, 2012, 3.5 X 4.75 X 3.5, Ceramic, gesso, graphite; hand built.

Featured in the Museum’s
Main Gallery, this exhibition will showcase the works of 26 artists from
Japan, South Korea and the United States. The East & West Ceramics
Association was formed more than a dozen years ago by South Korean
Professor Gil Hong Han. While a visiting instructor at Long Island
University, he traveled around the northeastern U.S. sharing his dream
of creating a multinational group of ceramic artists. Soon the dream
took wing and within a year, artists from Japan, South Korea, and the
United States worked together to create an exhibition in New York City.
The artists who comprise the East & West may struggle to understand
each other when they speak, but when it comes to working with clay,
their ability to communicate is effortless.

Closing Reception:
March 10, 2013

Featuring the work of:

Emiko Asada
Yuchiko Baba
Ruth Borgenicht
Byong Keon Choi
Susan Eisen
Ayato Fujiwara
Ikuzo Fujiwara
Gil Hong Han
Mei-Ling Hom
Akihiko Ishijima
Shellie Jacobson
James Jansma
Jong Hyun Kim
Jae Yong Kim
Jong Sook Kang
Jung Suk Lee
Myung Ah Lee
Bo Na Lim
Wook Jae Maeng
William C. McCreath
Yoshiji Onuki
Hyeu Won Park
Jeff Shapiro
Ryo Suzuki
Adam Welch
Satoshi Yokoo
Ji Yong Yoon

Hunterdon Art Museum
Gallery Hours: Tue-Sat 11am-5pm
7 Lower Center St, Clinton, NJ 08809
