Shawn Spangler Workshop on October 4 – 5, 2012 at the Fort Hays State University Ceramics Lab, Rarick 123.

“Shawn Spangler: Construction” will focus on the interface of design, functional ceramic forms and surfaces.

Participants should bring their sketchbooks, clay, tools and bats to throw and alter in the hands on portion of the workshop.

Shawn will discuss his work is a lecture in the Art History Room as part of the workshop.

The workshop begins on Thursday, October 4 and runs through Friday, October 5, 2012.

The fee for the workshop is $50 per student guest and $100 for adult
guests. Please call me at 785-628-4273 or e-mail at [email protected]
to save your spot. Your spot is reserved upon receipt of your
non-refundable check made out to Art Sales.

Please send your check to:
Linda Ganstrom, Dept. of Art and Design, FHSU, 600 Park Street, Hays, KS 67601

If you prefer to take the workshop for credit, enroll in Art 670: WKSH: Shawn Spangler

Wednesday, October 3
6:00 David Jones Lecture in Art History, R114

Thursday, October 4
8:30 a.m. Welcome and continental breakfast. Register
9:00 Introductions and demonstration
10:30 Artist discussion of design and contemporary ceramics. Demonstrations.
Noon Lunch on your own.
1:30 Demonstrations and assemblage.
3:00 Hands on experimentation.
3:00 FHSU Graduate Students meet with Shawn for critique.
6:00 Shawn Spangler Lecture in Rarick 114, Art History Hall
7:00 David Jones Reception, Moss-Thorns Gallery, FHSU.

Friday, October 5
8:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 Throwing, altering, finishing demonstration
10:30 Guided practice with throwing and altering
Noon Lunch on your own.
1:30 Discussion and demonstration of surface decoration.
3:00 Critiques with undergraduates
Hands on work to finish personalized functional form(s).
7:00 Potluck supper at Linda Ganstrom’s home
206 West 26th Street