by Carole Epp | Sep 26, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Porcelain from Dora+Maja on Vimeo.
“Short movie about most expensive Ming vases found on Sotheby’s,
Christie’s and other fine arts auction house’s sites online that were
downloaded, printed on regular a4 paper and assembled into fragile
sculptures, wrapped up ready to be shipped to another continent. The
video is incarnation of the spirit of the record-breaking Ming Vase, a
superb blue and white meiping from the Yongle Imperial Period, which
Sotheby’s international head of Chinese ceramics and works of art
Nicolas Chow vividly describes as “macho” in reference to its atypically
un-waisted broad shouldered shape. Exploring the The China Factor as a
current cause of Westen art market instability, the ghetto boys bring
their Alpha and Revenge of Koons over China, while every violent act
they perform is celebrated by cathastropic soundtrack”
Thoughts musing readers?
by Carole Epp | Sep 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
opening reception: Thursday, October 4th, 6pm
exhibition dates: October 3 – 27

Tang has exploded onto the contemporary Canadian art scene with his
ceramic work; hybrids of traditional Asian vessels and current pop
cultural sensibilities. Tang represented Western Canada as a
finalist for the prestigious Sobey Art Award and has been exhibited
extensively across the North America, including at the Vancouver Art
Gallery, The Mendel Gallery, the Seattle Art Museum, the Denver Art
Museum and early in 2013 his work will be included in an exhibition at
the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
Manga Ormolu Version 4.0b,
16″ x 8″ x 12″

by Carole Epp | Sep 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
Next Show:
Judith Duff and Ron Meyers
potters; often working in familiar methods to educate us in how we blur
the lines of sculptor and potter; artist and craftsman, enduringly
prolific and memorably recognizable. Ron Meyers, a Georgia artist and
educator, has invited close friend, Judith Duff, to accompany him this
month at AKAR Gallery. While both artists employ the wood and salt kilns
as a means by which to finish their work, Duff’s work can be described
as more sculptural, multi-surfaced and angular while Meyers’ selection
is often functional, illustrative and at times confrontational. With
carved and painted anamorphic depictions on the vessels, Meyers appeals
to the animalistic creativity in us all. Duff relies more on subtle
colors and lines to create introspective and composed work. Opening
September 28th, we are delighted to have these artists return to our
gallery with New Work by Lauren Gallaspy.
Next Featured Artist:
Lorna Meaden
month we are drawing attention to the richly ornamented work in our
gallery by Lorna Meaden. The surface details of her pots are inspired by
the embellishments on clothing and costumes; often she references
stripes and polka dots. Lorna is concerned that we are moving away from
objects that are made by humans for humans. “The handmade object serves
as an illustration of the individual, the unique, the useful.”
Next New Work:
Lauren Gallaspy
are proud to announce Lauren Gallaspy as this month’s New Work artist.
Lauren always seems to put her best foot forward for the gallery and
once again we have been rewarded with intimate drawings and new forms.
Bringing conscious thoughts to a third dimensional calling is taxing to
say the least, “… on the best days, I’m B’rer Rabbit, shoving myself
into a Tar Baby trap until we’re both unrecognizable, and I’m left a
mess and laughing”. Lauren comes through again, leaving us all in a
contemplative yet satisfied “mess” this month.
Shows opens this Friday, September 28th, at 9:30 AM in the
Iowa City gallery and online at 10:00 AM CST. View the show at
AKAR. 257 E. Iowa Avenue. Iowa City. IA 52240. T: 3193511227. WWW.AKARDESIGN.COM |
by Carole Epp | Sep 25, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
To be exhibited at Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville
9 until 25 November 2012
The Townsville Ceramic Competition is organised by the North Queensland Potters’
Ass. Inc. to increase public exposure to a high standard of pottery from around the
nation. Not only has the competition been successful in attracting entries from well known
potters showing their current work but it has also provided a showcase for
emerging ceramic artists. This year the Major Award of $10,000 will ensure the
continued growth of the ceramic collection at the Perc Tucker Regional Gallery,
which also provides an excellent venue for entries to be exhibited.
Major Award $10,000 Open (Acquisitive)
Now Office Furniture Award $2000 For use of innovative technology (Acquisitive)
Scott Brickworks Award $1500 Open (Acquisitive)
Loloma Jewellers Award $1000 Open (Acquisitive)
Fourex Clothing Award $500 Open (Acquisitive)
Rainford Award $500 Open
To be judged by Janet Mansfield
Entry forms and fees due Monday 8 October
Receiving date for entries Tuesday 6 November
Official opening Friday 9 November
Exhibition closes Sunday 25 November
Collection date for entries Monday 26 November
Generously supported by Townsville City Council
by Carole Epp | Sep 25, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
ENTRY DEADLINE: OCTOBER 1, 2012 (midnight MDT)
NCECA’s Emerging Artists program recognizes exceptional early
career artists through a monetary award, and the opportunity to present
their work to an international audience during NCECA’s Annual
Conference. The monetary awards as well as opportunities for increased
exposure through exhibition and special events are made possible in
part through the generous support of the Windgate Charitable
NCECA defines an Emerging Artist to be one who is beginning to
receive recognition for his/her work but is currently underrepresented,
does not have representation by a nationally prominent gallery, and
is creating work that offers new/exciting/thoughtful perspectives that
expand upon a genre of creative production and inquiry.
Because the concept of emergence in the arts does not readily
correlate with a specific age, or other easily quantifiable terms,
NCECA requires applicants to briefly describe why they perceive
themselves to be at an emergent point in their careers and how they
anticipate the award will impact the trajectory of their endeavors. The
review committee, at their discretion, may eliminate candidates that
are considered to be beyond “emerging.” Applicants are also required to
provide letters of support from two figures in the field who
are familiar with their work and drive to create. Letters should
provide the selection committee with a sense of confirmation of the
candidates’ seriousness of commitment and potential for continued
Applications are welcomed from artists working with ceramic
materials/processes as a significant component of their work.
Applicants may not be students. A current NCECA Membership, at the
time of application, is a required to be eligible to apply for NCECA’s
Emerging Artists. NCECA Membership fees are not included in event
registration. Membership requires payment of an annual fee. CLICK HERE to apply for or renew your membership.
NCECA’s 2013 Emerging Artists selection committee will consist
of NCECA Director at Large, Sam Chung and two additional members,
distinguished internationally exhibited artists Denise Pelletier and
Chris Antemann. The committee will select six (6) Emerging Artists
who will receive complementary registration in NCECA’s 47th Annual
Conference and be awarded an additional year’s membership. Applications
will be due October 1, 2012 and the review committee will reach its decisions before the end of October 2012 after which applicants will be notified.
Awardee Benefits and Requirements
A formal agreement outlining terms and conditions associated with
this honor will be sent to the selected artists soon after jurying is
completed. Selected artists’ images and application materials will be
retained by NCECA and will be held in the NCECA archives. Images may be
used to promote NCECA’s Emerging Artists program and may be posted on
NCECA’s website and contributed to a new NCECA image community being
developed in cooperation with AccessCeramics. Emerging Artists will be
considered conference presenters and will therefore be ineligible for a
presenter role or honorarium in the year following the award.
Artists selected as 2013 Emerging Artists are required to provide a
written summary of their presentation for the NCECA Annual Conference
for publication in the NCECA Journal by December 18, 2012. This summary
must be accompanied by five 300 dpi images appropriate for print
publication. Also required by this date is a 50-word abstract of this
submission to be included in the 2013 NCECA Conference Program Guide.
The selected artists will be required to attend the 47th Annual NCECA
Conference, participate in special “meet and greet” events with
collectors, prepare remarks and make presentations (approximately 10
minutes in duration) during the Second Members’ Business Meeting on
Saturday, March 23, 2013. Emerging Artists will receive a $2500 award
that will be presented during the closing ceremonies of NCECA’s 47th
Annual Conference at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston,
TX. Emerging Artists will also be eligible for a shipping reimbursement
to transport work for a featured exhibition at the conference center
from March 19-22, 2013. Artists are required to help install/de-install
their work and be present periodically during the course of the
Emerging Artists Exhibition. Emerging Artists will also be required
to participate in individual interviews to be posted in the
NCECA/Crafthaus Blog. Emerging Artists will be expected to contribute
periodic postings to
during the year following their presentations at the conference.
Images of their work will also be incorporated in a new NCECA image
library that will be developed in cooperation with
Application Submission Checklist
Applications must be submitted completely electronically. Please prepare the following BEFORE starting the ONLINE submittal form as you will need to UPLOAD the following:
- Two (2) 1-page Letters of Recommendation from
professionals in the field of ceramic art. Applicants will be
required to provide the following contact information for
Recommenders: First Name, Last Name, Relation to applicant, Phone #, and
Email address.
Options to submit letters:
a. Receive the letters from your recommenders in .doc or .pdf format and upload them to the ONLINE application. OR
b. If the recommender prefers to send their letter
directly to NCECA please have them email their letter to NCECA.EA.LETTER stating the NAME OF THE ARTIST in the subject line.
If this option is selected, applicants will need to upload a document in .doc or .pdf format to the Online submittal form stating “Letter of recommendation from (RECOMMENDER NAME) will be e-mailed to
[email protected].” *** Please note:
The application will not submit successfully unless a document
has been uploaded to each Letter of Recommendation box.
- Resume (two page maximum) in .doc or .pdf format (file size must be under 1mb)
- Artist Statement describing your work and work process. (250 word maximum, paste or type)
- Statement articulating why you believe you are at an
“emerging” point in your career, and how this award will benefit
your studio practice (150 words maximum, paste or type)
- Exactly 10 images-(Image Preparation Guidelines) The following details are required on each
image: Title, Brief image description, Type of clay, Firing/
Decoration method, Date, Size, Weight, Insurance value, Retail
Click here to view the ONLINE FORM