by Carole Epp | Mar 27, 2012 | Uncategorized

Dans un espace de 1200m², le festival propose de découvrir le travail d’une trentaine de céramistes invités ainsi que diverse formes artistiques en relation avec la terre comme : le cinéma, la peinture, la musique…
Vendredi 30, samedi 31 mars et
dimanche 1er avril 2012
de 10h à 19h
Salle Olympe-de-Gouges
15 rue Merlin – 75011 Paris
by Carole Epp | Mar 26, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
New York
Deadline: May 15, 2012 PORTAGE HILL ART GALLERY
Painters Who Pot / Potters Who Paint
August 1st- August 26th, 2012
Opening August 5: 7-9 PM
Open to any artist who works both as a clay artist and painter. Throughout the history of art many painters have discovered the pleasure of working with clay. These have included many eminent artists from the past including Picasso, Vlaminck, Gauguin, Matisse, and Jackson Pollock. This is a contemporary National Juried Show of current artists who work in both of these mediums. Each accepted artist is expected to show both a clay work and a painting.
May 15th: All submissions are due
Applications and Details are available at
Portage Hill Art Gallery
6439 South Portage Road
Westfield, NY 14787
by Carole Epp | Mar 25, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Submission deadline: May 31, 2012 (Residency to Commence November 1, 2012) Harcourt House Artist Run Centre is currently accepting submissions for our 2012/ 2013 Artist in Residence (AIR). Awarded to artists annually through a peer jury selection process, this program is committed to providing the selected artistwith a year-long, dedicated studio environment at Harcourt House Artist Run Centre to research, develop and exhibit new work. This program allows for the Artist in Residence to engage and interact with the local visual arts community, encouraging shared ideas, expression and discourse. This one-year residency includes a studio space, access to our art education courses and facilities, teaching opportunities and a $150 monthly art supply stipend. The AIR will be given a solo exhibition in the centre’s Main Gallery at the end of the one-year term to conclude their residency. The AIR will receive CAR/FAC fees for the presentation of this final exhibition. We invite artists who are Canadian residents to submit a proposal before May 31, 2012. All disciplines are encouraged to apply. Applicants will be selected by the quality of work submitted, their demonstration of commitment to serious practice and how the residency will meet their objectives at this crucial juncture in the development of their practice. Proposal guidelines are as follows:
– 10-15 digital images of recent work
– C.V. – Artist statement
– Plan of activity for residency
– Demonstration of at least 2 years commitment to studio work outside of a post secondary institution
– 2 letters of reference from professionals in the arts community
**Short listed candidates will be interviewed as a part of the jury’s selection process. NOTE: Curriculum vitae (C.V.), artist statement, plan of activity and slide list must be submitted in hard copy AND digitally as a writable Word or Open Office document. Files must be Mac compatible. NO PDFs. Incomplete proposal packages will NOT be considered For full information on program and submission details, and a list of past artists in residence, please visit our website, under Residency, at, or contact Brittney Roy at 780.426.4180. Harcourt House Arts Centre
3rdFloor, 10215-112 St
Edmonton, AB T5K 1M7
780.426.4180 general inquiries: [email protected]
exhibition/education: [email protected]
Open M-F, 10 am to 4 pm & Saturdays, 12 to 4 pm
by Carole Epp | Mar 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
Event: Caprices Fine Arts & Crafts Show & Sale, Calgary
When: June 2, 2012 Saturday, 10am to 5pm
Where: Inglewood Community Hall 1740 – 24 Ave. S.E. , Calgary, AB
We will be showcasing unique and original works of art by local artisans. Painting, jewelry, ceramics, pottery, photography, fashion, and more.
Table Cost: A 6’x2.5’ table and 2 chairs is $65.00 (apprx. 8’ x 4’ space) . Wall space, approximately 10’ x 8’ is $100.00. non-refundable.
Interested artists please e-mail [email protected].
All work must be family oriented – no pornographic, racist or disturbing images will be allowed. Please include pictures of art you will be presenting and your contact information.