Crimson Laurel Gallery
We thought our most successful successful solo show of 2011 deserved an encore. This show features Alex’s favorite pots from his last two firings. Alex Matisse lives and creates his work in the Mountains of Marshall NC. He apprenticed in the workshops of North Carolina potters Matt Jones and Mark Hewitt. “The pots in this collection are from the 3rd and 4th firings of my kiln. Each firing has been distinct and varied and each has had success and failures. These are a few of those success, a harmonious marriage of form and glaze and flame.
My favorite pots are those made on the good days. It is a joy when the clay, pinched between knuckle and middle finger, seems to rise off the wheel toward the sky with its own momentum and volition. The pitchers in this show were made on such a day: their weight and mass distributed perfectly.
On the bad days, when the clay is short and dry and the eye wants more than the hand can match, the hardest part is not in the mechanics but in the mind. When everything seems to elude me, staying calm and collected is the most difficult part of all. Those days come and go like the March rains we will soon see and, I’m learning, are followed by the sun.” – Alex Matisse, March 2012
Crimson Laurel Gallery
23 Crimson Laurel Way
Bakersville, NC 28705