by Carole Epp | Feb 22, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
CLICK here for the Juried Art Tile Show Prospectus!
• The Silver City Clay Festival’s Juried Art Tile Show is open to all artists residing in the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
• All submitted work must be original, must be executed since January 1, 2011, and must not have been previously submitted for other shows.
• Tiles must not be larger than 12” by 12” and must be prepared for hanging.
• Tiles can be mono- or poly-chromatically glazed, high or low relief, cuenca, cuerda seca, majolica, sgraffito, china painted or a mosaic composite.
• Each tile submitted must be entered into one of the following categories:
A. Animals/Whimsy
B. Abstract
C. Faces/Portraits
D. Historic Native American
E. Touching on the Sacred
• Tiles must be entered for jurying as digital images on CD and all digital images will be viewed anonymously.
• A maximum of three (3) tiles may be entered.
• Accepted tiles that differ greatly from the submitted images will be disqualified.
• Accepted tiles must be available for sale.
• Accepted tiles may not be withdrawn or sold outside the show prior to the end of the show.
Mail CD, Entry Fee
Payment, and Entry Form no later than march 30, 2012 to:
Silver City Clay Festival
c/o Syzygy Tileworks
106 N. Bullard Street
Silver City, NM 88061
by Carole Epp | Feb 21, 2012 | Uncategorized

all images courtesy of stackstove
‘stack stoves’ reinterpret the ancient tradition of ceramic stoves through new contemporary shapes, as well as fitting within the latest housing requirements, with low environmental impact. the ceramic stove line offers wood burning and pellet burning fireplaces. the fireplace and the recycler of the ‘stackstove’ can reach great yields and significant smoke emission parameters.
developed by adriano design and produced by la castellamonte, the hand-made ceramic ranges preserve and updates the industrial know-how and ancient traditions of this field.
For more images and info visit designboom here.
by Carole Epp | Feb 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Place des Arts offers gallery and gift shop display space where local emerging artists and art groups may exhibit and sell their works. Artists living in British Columbia who are not represented by a professional gallery are considered local, emerging artists. Place des Arts welcomes submissions in 2D and 3D media and techniques including fibre arts, sculpture, painting, photography, prints and drawings; we are not able to accommodate multimedia work at this time.
Submission deadline (2013 Program): March 2, 2012
A proposal package can be downloaded here:
Proposals must be received by email, mail or in-person at Place des Arts by 9 p.m. on Friday, Mar. 2, 2012 and sent to the attention of: Michelle Chan, Exhibitions and Ceramic and Fibre Arts Program Coordinator, Place des Arts, 1120 Brunette Ave., Coquitlam, BC. V3K 1G2 [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Feb 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
A juried group show open to all PGBC members, to be hosted by the Gallery of BC Ceramics. The exhibition will showcase vessels and sculptures specifically for use in the garden. We are looking for planters, sculptures, rocks, bird baths, bird houses, bird feeders, lanterns, fountains, frogs, snails – anything that can be used in a garden setting. All work must be for sale.
Application forms will be posted on the guild website at in early February.
Applications must be received by March 1, and physical work must be delivered to the gallery between March 15 and 25. Jurying of pieces for the exhibition will take place on March 28. Please let the Gallery know by the end of February 2012 if you wish to take part in this exhibition.
Notices of intention to participate can be e-mailed to galleryofbcceramics@bcpotters. com
by Carole Epp | Feb 20, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

See more here.