by Carole Epp | Feb 29, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Teach classes ranging from beginning to advanced ceramics as well as foundation classes including Foundations of Visual Literacy.
The primary teaching responsibilities include classes ranging from beginning to advanced ceramics as well as foundation classes including Foundations of Visual Literacy. Eastern Oregon University seeks applicants with a commitment to teaching and evidence of a strong studio practice.
An MFA degree from a regionally accredited institution or foreign equivalent is required. One year of college teaching experience.
For full details visit the Eastern Oregon University website.
by Carole Epp | Feb 28, 2012 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Ft. Mason Festival Pavilion – San Francisco, CA The Ceramics Annual of America is a gallery format exhibition featuring the work of an impressive group of ceramic artists. This is your opportunity to be included in the largest exhibition of ceramic fine art in the United States. Last year’s exhibition attracted over 7,000 collectors, art enthusiasts, educators and students. Entry Guidelines: Open to all artists 18 years and older working in clay 1. All works must be one of a kind, non-production work, made primarily of clay. 2. Digital entries submitted for jury must be representative of the artwork that will be shown in the exhibition. 3. Artists will be responsible for installing their own work in a preassigned space, not a booth, which will accommodate 4 – 6 life size pieces or 6 – 8 smaller pieces of artwork. This is a gallery exhibition, not a vendor booth setup. Free standing I-beam and T-shape areas are available for wall displays. Lighting and background walls will be provided by CAA. Artists will provide their own pedestals, painted a specified white color. 4. Artists must be present during the exhibition. 5. Sales will be handled by CAA staff with a 30% commission going to the CAA. 6. If your application is accepted, the fee to participate in the exhibition is $1,000. payable in 2 installments – $500 due June 1 and $500 due August 10. CAA, managed by the California Ceramics Cooperative, is a not-for-profit organization of regional ceramic artists. All revenue from fees, commissions and sales covers the costs of the exhibition. Calendar Entry submittal deadline: May 15 Acceptance notification: May 25 1st payment due June 1 Final payment due August 10 Delivery of work and installation Thursday, September 13 Opening reception Friday, September 14 Show ends and move out Sunday, September 16Find more info here,or
Contact: Nancy Resler
Telephone: 1.877.459.9CAA
Email: [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Feb 27, 2012 | Uncategorized

“Since it began, the International Film Festival on Clay and Glass has welcomed on each occasion film directors and producers, ceramic artists, glassmakers, artists, archaeologists, ethnologists, museum curators, gallery owners, architects, teachers, journalists, enlightened amateurs, students etc.
The aim of this biennial event is:
To develop the creation and distribution of films on clay and glass, supporting their makers the world over.
To stimulate international cultural exchanges, deepening technical knowledge of ceramics and glass creation across the world, together with the various forms of artistic expression and the history of civilizations.
To increase the influence of clay and glass, and by implication that of the arts, the prime mission of Ateliers d’Art de France.
The 8th edition of the festival will be held on 30, 31 March and 1 April 2012 in Montpellier.
(Re)discover clay & glass from more than 30 documentary, animated or experimental films on artists, workshops, techniques or traditions : 2 days of film screenings, interspersed with meet ups and exchanges between professionals and amateurs from all over the world… And the opening evening on the 30th of March with a screening of films on major art personalities from of the 20th century who had worked in the field of ceramic at one point in their lives.”
For more info please visit their website.
or contact:
Ateliers d’Art de France
6, rue Jadin
75017 Paris | France
tél. +33( 0)1 44 01 08 30
fax. +33 (0)1 44 01 08 35
[email protected]
by Carole Epp | Feb 27, 2012 | Uncategorized

Scenes from the Domestic, ceramic works by Red Deer artist, Jenna Turner is now showing in the gallery. Jenna’s work creates a sense of community and belonging. She says, “The objects I create are like souvenirs of my memories, experiences, and hopes. I want them to illicit a sense of nostalgia and strike a chord with the viewer’s own past.” Scenes from the Domestic runs until Saturday, March 24, 2012. A reception will be held on Friday, March 2 from 6 to 8 pm as part of Red Deer’s First Fridays.