Tis the season for ….videos?

I’ve been a huge fan of Jenn Demke-Lange’s work since I first met her at Medalta. She has such a lovely playful unique style merging design and clay. This video gives a bit of a sneek peak into her inspiration and process, but to check out the pots themselves make sure to visit her website MIKIND.

You’ve got Medalta to thank for this one. Hope it makes you smile.

The Big Idea from Medalta on Vimeo.

Aaron is currently working with experimental, highly translucent soft paste porcelain that matures at an extremely low temperature. His interest in this new material, for which there are few historical precedents, grows out of a concern for the environment and reducing the carbon footprint of his practice.

At the same time, he has become interested in contemporary communications technologies – QR Codes in particular. He is experimenting with the merging of ceramic art with these new forms of communication.

This is Aaron’s latest Big Idea. We hope you enjoy it.

Copyright Medalta 2011
Filmed by Quentin Randall
Edited & Directed by Quentin Randall & Jenn Demke-Lange
Music by JS Zamecnik

First Issue of Ceramics Now Magazine – Available Online!!!

Roxanne Jackson’s work is on the cover of the Ceramics Now Magazine Winter 2011-2012 issue, introducing an amazing interview about her work. The issue presents Arthur Gonzalez’s work, as well as two special features with the Denver Art Museum (Overthrown: Clay Without Limits) and Keiko Gallery (Japanese artists).

Digital Issue nr. 1 also presents interviews and articles with new and world-renowned ceramic artists: Claire Muckian, Carol Gouthro, Cynthia Lahti, Carole Epp, Connie Norman, Simcha Even-Chen, Liza Riddle, Patrick Colhoun, Mark Goudy, Chang Hyun Bang, Ian Shelly, Ian F. Thomas, Shamai Gibsh, Margrieta Jeltema, Shane Porter, John Shirley, Jim Kraft, Connie Norman, Blaine Avery, Antonella Cimatti, Maciej Kasperski, Wim Borst, Merete Rasmussen.

Overthrown – Denver Art Museum: Gwen F. Chanzit (curator), Katie Caron and Martha Russo, John Roloff, Clare Twomey, Paul Sacaridiz, Linda Sormin, Del Harrow, Benjamin DeMott, Mia Mulvey.

Japanese artists – Keiko Gallery: Niisato Akio, Kawabata Kentaro, Takeuchi Kouzo, Hayashi Shigeki, Tanoue Shinya, Fujita Toshiaki, Murata Yoshihiko, Jorie Johnson, Takeda Asayo, Mariko Husain.

Read more about the magazine: www.ceramicsnow.org/magazine

BUY THE DIGITAL ISSUE NOW, $4: www.ceramicsnow.org/nr1digital
SUBSCRIBE FOR 1-YEAR (DIGITAL), $15: www.ceramicsnow.org/1yeardigital