Registration starts on January 11th.

Throwing, Altering, Assembling for Use
and Innovation

Instructor: Walter Keeler
March 16–17

Become a
Master of Plaster

Instructor: Nicholas Bivins
June 1–3

Mash and Mingle: Exploring the Decorative Impulse

Instructors: Matt Metz &
Liz Quackenbush
June 11–22

New Forms to Finish:
Soda Firing

Instructors: Matt Long &
Brad Schwieger
July 9–13

Cut and Construct

Instructor: Christa Assad
August 24–26

The Psychologically Charged Figure

Instructor: Christina West
September 21–23

Pottery as Site:
the Decorated Object

Instructor: Andrea Gill
October 19–20


Registration Information
Walter Keeler
Nicholas Bivins
Matt Metz & Liz Quackenbush
Matt Long & Brad Schwieger
Christa Assad
Christina West
Andrea Gill

For more information contact:
The Archie Bray Foundation
2915 Country Club Ave.
Helena, MT 59602
phone: 406/443-3502
e-mail: [email protected]

or visit their website.