Registration begins January 9, 2012
Linda & Charlie Riggs
Naked Surfaces And Alternative Firing, May 30- June 1
Join us for three exciting days of smoke, fire and fumes! Charlie and Linda will lead sessions in naked & horsehair raku, smoke and saggar firings and iron fuming. Enjoy the process of decorating pots with polished white and red terra sigillata, then firing them in atmospheres where the smoke and chemicals produce the final surface color. Achieve colors ranging from deep reds and oranges to stark black and white.
Intermediate/ Advanced Wednesday- Friday, 9am-4pm $325 Tuition ($50 Lab) |
Cynthia Constentino
Interpreting The Figure, June 4- 8
Work from a live model and sculpt your interpretation of the figure. Utilize the figure to explore issues such as gender, social roles, culture and personal experience. Discussion topics will include 3-D design, proportions of the body, methods of developing content and tips for professional development. Cynthia will demonstrate a variety of construction techniques for sculpting including building armatures, cold joining and surface treatments. Come with your ideas and imagination, source images and personal stories. Leave with a wide range of techniques to apply to your own studio practice.
All Levels Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |
Fong Choo
Diminutive Teapots, June 11- 15
Master teapot maker, Fong Choo, will be your guide in the exploration of the teapot from large to small and from whimsical to utilitarian with strong emphasis on proportion. Push the boundaries of form, design and color. Discussion topics and demonstrations will include altering thrown forms, creating surface textures and attaching aesthetically pleasing cane and reed handles. Fong will share his unique approach for layering glazes to achieve the jeweled toned surfaces of his signature teapots. If you want to improve your teapot making, you must attend this class.
Intermediate/ Advanced Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |
Sang Roberson
Soft & Shiny Slabs, June 18- 22
If you have been close to one of Sang’s pots you understand the meaning of ‘quiet beauty’. They exude a feeling that is hard to put into words. Join Sang for this class and discover new possibilities for your own work while constructing open and closed forms with soft slabs. Investigate a broad range of surface treatments including terra sigillata, burnishing, slip-trailing, sgrafitto, mishima and sprigging. Learn to pit-fire, polish and seal the pieces to enrich the skins. Bring low-fire bisque ware and practice application techniques. Demonstrations will include wall vessels, closed geometric forms, basketry designs and capturing air as armature.
All Levels Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |
Akira Satake
Imperfect Beauty, June 25- 29
Akira will present his distinctive Kohiki slip technique by brushing white porcelain slip onto a dark clay slab, then stretching to create a unique surface. Experiment with soft and hard slabs, while learning new ways to make teapots, teacups, pitchers, vases and boxes. Gain insight into, the meaning of “wabi-sabi” (finding beauty in imperfection) and the importance of “ma” the space in between. Akira will demonstrate his style of making tea ceremony bowls, water jars, and ikebana vases, all influenced by Japanese pottery from the Momoyama Period (1568-1615).
All Levels Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |
Suze Lindsay
Going Vertical, July 9- 13
Just when you thought you knew everything about altering soft and leather-hard functional clay forms, along comes Suze with lots more tricks. Always pushing the boundaries herself, Suze will teach you all she knows about her unique ways of altering and stacking thrown and hand-built parts to create vases, pitchers, covered jars and more. And she will demonstrate the slip trailing technique she uses to achieve her distinctive look. Also expect exercises that will stretch and expand your notions of imagery and surface enhancement. Daily demonstrations, sketchbook exercises, and discussions on contemporary and historical pottery will be springboards for experimentation and play.
Intermediate Monday-Friday 9am-4pm $495 ($55 Lab) |
Curt LaCross
Sculpting The Human Psyche, July 16- 20
The focus of this workshop will be construction techniques, anatomy and conceptual development in order to create psychologically weighed figures. WOW! Sounds heavy. Don’t worry, you will have fun and learn a bunch from a great teacher. Using coils, slabs and a variety of armatures you will build a life sized human bust. Considerable attention will be placed on the facial features, skin texture and hands. Curt will implement his gestural approach to sculpting and manipulating texture in order to create the realistic human expressions he achieves in his work.
Beginner/ Intermediate Monday-Friday 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |
Jason Burnett
Graphic Clay: Cut, Copy And Paste, July 23- 27
Using two simple materials: slip and newsprint paper, we will introduce layers of information and texture onto our clay surfaces. Through silkscreen printing, cutting, copying and pasting we will dissect, transform, and manipulate our drawings, patterns, and images while creating exciting new exteriors. But there’s no stopping us there! We’ll use simple digital techniques to make decals and photocopy transfers. Computers NOT required, but one can come in handy! Jason is a very generous teacher who will guide and inspire you to carry your work to new levels you have not imagined.
Intermediate/ Advanced Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |

Susan Filley Porcelain: Form And Finesse, July 30- August 3 Prepare to be entertained as you learn new ways of working with porcelain. Susan is a master potter whose workshops are packed with practical information, interesting stories and ‘tricks’ for making good pots with finesse. Acquire new techniques for working in porcelain, beginning with basic forms and moving on to more complex altered shapes. Throwing off the hump, pulled and hand-built handles, cups, bowls and trays. Cut, alter and assemble. Susan will help you improve skills, throw larger, and make interesting forms with personality. She will also lead discussions on glazing and firing.
Intermediate/ Advanced Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm $495 Tuition ($55 Lab) |