by Carole Epp | Oct 31, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

and I’m going to sneak in my own Day of the Dead piece to mark the day:

till death do they part
by Carole Epp | Oct 30, 2011 | Uncategorized

Barbara Hoffman.

Benjamin Carter.

Cheyenne Chapman Rudolph.
Jim Connell.
Shawn S Spangler.
The exhibition goes live here: on November 1st for online sales.
Remember that Christmas is just around the corner….hint hint. I don’t think there is a cup in this show that I wouldn’t love to add to my collection.
by Carole Epp | Oct 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
Save NSCAD: Because Nova Scotia needs great art
by Carole Epp | Oct 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
Friends of NSCAD University October 20, 2011 Subject:
THE FUTURE OF NSCAD UNIVERSITY Dear Friends, NSCAD University is Canada’s oldest fine art degree granting university, and the only independent institution offering a full range of undergraduate and graduate programming in visual art and design east of Ontario. As you may know, Howard Windsor, the former Policy Analyst with Labour and Advanced Education for the province of Nova Scotia, has been appointed by the Minister of Advanced Education to examine the future of NSCAD University. Mr. Windsor has been given an open mandate by the Minister to propose a fate for the school which may include the termination of programs to wholesale or fragmented mergers with other provincial institutions. 2012 marks NSCAD University’s 125th birthday, and we need your support in ensuring another 125 years for one of North America’s leading autonomous art and design institutions. We are appealing to you to help communicate to the Province of Nova Scotia why NSCAD University’s continued existence is important to you. Please let the Premier of Nova Scotia, Darrell Dexter
[email protected] and the Minister of Labour and Advanced Education Marilyn More
[email protected] know how NSCAD University has contributed to the vitality of visual culture locally, nationally and internationally. Please forward this message to those who may be able to play a part in supporting NSCAD University as an autonomous institution. Sincerely,
The Friends of NSCAD University [email protected] Friends of NSCAD University an ad hoc group of faculty, staff and alumni created to promote the continued existence of NSCAD University as one of Canada’s leading autonomous art and design institutions.