Opening night success (i am a fish out of water)

Well once again Jonathon and Brian proved that they are great at throwing parties. What an opening. Barely any space to squeeze past beautiful art and beautiful people and it didn’t let up for hours. It was a completely different world for me. Well educated collectors and so many ceramic greats in one room. I had Cinderella complex all night – what was I doing here? How did I get an invite to this party?

Forgive me but today is going to be mainly eye candy images from the show as I’m off to visit the London Potters Guild this morning and then the rest of the day there are a few collectors in town who are generously opening their homes so that we can all snoop through their collections. (awesome!)

Needless to say this poor pregnant girl is worn off her feet already, but regardless has the biggest smile on her face.

And for the cherry on top of the whole night: SOLD!!!

You’re a long way from home baby!

Who would have thought that Saskatoon SK and London ON were worlds apart? But on so many levels it feels like a different world to me. Maybe it’s the fancy hotel sheets, the lack of a toddler clamouring for attention, or the fact that London is home to Canada’s best Commercial Ceramic Gallery that sets it apart. Regardless there is something magical going on here.

Yesturday I arrived in London for the events surrounding Matter of Clay III which is being hosted by Jonathon Bancroft-Snell Gallery only to be completely floored upon entering the gallery; a gallery that goes on forever filled to the spilling over point with amazing ceramic art by artists, some of which I’ve only ever seen in print. My eyes didn’t know where to lay rest, I was overwhelmed by eye candy and my hands wanted to touch each and every piece.

To kick off the weeks’ events we crammed, I’m not sure how many national ceramic artists, into the cozy Scot’s Corner pub, filled them with drinks and had what I figure was likely the most entertaining evening the local Londoners have seen in a while. Mrs. Conception brought the crowd to their dancing feet, old friendships were renewed and I met more people than I could ever hope to keep their names straight. I was introduced to ceramic heros I’ve admired for years, amazing collectors who travel great lengths for exhibitions like this (a world I am just beginning to see, and am hardly close to understanding the weight of), and a gallery owner and manager (Jonathon and Brian) who work tirelessly to bring not only makers together with collectors, but also makers together with makers.

Canada is big and broad. We have heaps of amazing artists, but often one province is unaware of what the next is doing in terms of craft. Maybe we all just have our noses in the clay dust and are working away, so busy trying to maintain our various practices; but sometimes it feels like there needs to be a better unifying force in Canada to bring us all together. Nation wide ceramic publications don’t exist here, conferences tend to be more regional in their draw. So it is historical to see an event like this that brings so many of Canada’s ceramic artists together into one room. It’s a bit electric. And filled with possibility.

I can hardly wait to see what today will bring especially with the exhibition opening this evening. More to follow….

In the meantime here’s a video from Jonathon:

Coming Soon to the Ann Street Gallery

Carol Epp

Breaking Boundaries: A Survey of Contemporary Ceramics
The Ann Street Gallery is delighted to present their newest exhibition, Breaking Boundaries: A Survey of Contemporary Ceramics, with an Artist Reception on Saturday, August 6, 2011 from 6:00-9:00 pm.

In this exhibition, twenty-four contemporary artists from across the country come together and offer an expansive vision of the contemporary ceramic scene. Breaking Boundaries provides a survey of ceramic works highlighting an impressive array of ceramic artists, from young emerging talents to establish artists whose work is on the cutting edge of contemporary art. On display in the exhibition are varied selections of challenging works ranging from small whimsical utilitarian vessels, large sculptural pieces to site-specific installations.

As a medium ceramic art has an ancient and rich history of cultural expression and utility. There is also something fascinating about the primitiveness of clay and its versatile creative process. Perhaps the attraction is its timelessness, or just a medium itself that seems to resound within all of us as human beings. For contemporary artists the potential of clay for expressing aesthetic ideas is enormous, varied and ever expanding. The artists work in Breaking Boundaries reflects new and exciting responses to the medium while exploiting its malleability, which makes for an infinite range of artistic expression and interpretations.

In particular, this exhibition calls attention to the existing prejudices surrounding the medium and challenges those to take a broader view of its possibilities, while elevating an awareness of contemporary ceramic arts. Works showcased offer ceramic enthusiasts new talent to explore, for visitors it is an opportunity to directly connect to the visceral tactility and joy of objects made in clay. In Breaking Boundaries viewers can explore the creativity of contemporary ceramic artists who extend the possibilities of working with clay and unconventional materials while breaking through the boundaries imposed by the art establishment.

Artist featured: Dylan Beck, Ruth Borgenicht, Maureen Burns-Bowie, Bryan Czibesz, Carole Epp, Raymond W. Gonzalez, Doug Herren, Priscilla Hollingsworth, Liz Howe, Roxanne Jackson, Calder Kamin, Debbie Kupinsky, Julie Malen, Kate Missett, Wendy Olson, Vince Palacios, Gabriel Parque, Jesse Ring, Benjamin Schulman, John Williams, Alyssa Wood, Jennifer Woodin, Jindra Viková and Matthew Ziemke.
The exhibition will be on view through Saturday, September 24. The Ann Street Gallery is a nonprofit art gallery specializing in contemporary emerging and established artists. The gallery is located at 104 Ann Street in Newburgh, and hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00 am-5:00 pm and Friday through Saturday 11:00 am-5:00 pm.

For more information regarding Breaking Boundaries and the Ann Street Gallery, contact Virginia Walsh, Director at (845) 784-1146 or [email protected], or visit Image above: “Ass Kissing Angels” by Carole Epp

SAFE HARBORs of the hudson

Safe Harbors of the Hudson is dedicated to transforming lives and building communities through housing and the arts. Visit Safe Harbors.


The mission of Ritz Theater-Newburgh, Inc. is to restore and revive the historic Ritz Theater and create a venue for cultural and artistic performances in the City of Newburgh. Visit the Ritz Theater.


The Ann Street Gallery is a nonprofit art gallery located within The Cornerstone Residence specializing in contemporary art by emerging and established artists. Visit the Ann Street Gallery.

Job Posting – Bison Australia in Canberra

Bison Australia is looking for an enthusiastic team member for our production studio in Canberra ACT. We are an established national company who make thrown, slip cast, and pressed forms in our collection. We are seeking someone who would enjoy the challenge of a full-time position as a production assistant. Duties would cover glazing, packing kilns, maintaining stock control and associated responsibilities. This could be a great introduction to a career in ceramics and the opportunity to work with an Australian designed and owned brand. If you feel this would be of interest to you please send an email to [email protected] attention Brian. Brian TunksCreative Director/DesignerBison AustraliaT: +61 2 6257 7255F: +61 2 6257