by Carole Epp | Jul 19, 2011 | Uncategorized

vitrified studio: inspire is full of gorgeous eye candy and amazing artists to inspire you. Please take some time to check it out.
“this blog is made for those who share an appreciation in the subtle beauty in simple handmade ceramic forms, and as an ode to the ceramic artists who inspire me. vitrifiedstudio is a small ceramics studio located in portland oregon USA specializing in simple handcrafted functional ware designed by shelley martin.” follow shelley martin’s ceramic journey here: to follow both blogs, become a fan on facebook. (site under construction) email – vitrifiedstudio @
by Carole Epp | Jul 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
In honor of New York State legalizing same sex marriage.
Designer: Grande Dame (United Kingdom)
Find it here.
by Carole Epp | Jul 19, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

2012 Regional Juried Ceramics Exhibition
March 2 – April 1, 2012
Presented by ClaySpace Ceramic Arts Studio
Juried by Steven Hill
“For some, the space inside a 12″cube will seem nearly infinite,
while others will have to re-imagine their work just to squeeze it in.
I challenge all ceramic artists, from functional potters to sculptors to
installation artists… To see the 12″ glass cube through the eyes
of inspiration rather than limitation!” – Steven Hill
• Juried from digital submissions by nationally
recognized artist, Steven Hill
• Functional and sculptural ceramic art must fit
within one cubic foot (12″ X 12″ X 12″).
• Entry Deadline: December 10, 2011
Digital Submission accepted on CAFé
To apply:
• Exhibition will be held March 2 – April 1, 2012
at Warrenville Public Library, 28W751 Stafford Place, Warrenville, IL.
1. Clay3 is open to all artists working in IL, MN, WI, OH, MI, KT, TN, AK, IA, and MO.
2. All work must be no large than 12″ X 12″ x 12″, and use 75% of clay as the
primary medium.
3. All entries are presented to the juror in an anonymous manner.
4. All accepted works should not be too fragile for shipping and public display.
5. Accepted works may not be removed before the conclusion of the exhibition.
For all the details please visit their website to download the prospectus.
via Clay Art Web Guide
by Carole Epp | Jul 18, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday

Find more amazing work and process shots on the Shadow Pottery Website here.
by Carole Epp | Jul 16, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Artist In Residence (one year)Midwestern State University
Ceramics Department
Dates: September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012
Application deadline: July 31, 2011
This self-directed residency is designed to provide a ceramic artist with studio access, as they make the transition from or between academic settings. Furthermore, the program is intended to allow a resident the time and space to pursue a body of work in a creative and energetic environment while enhancing the art program at Midwestern State University. The accepted artist will participate within the ceramics area as an informal collaborator and mentor for students, while working in the common studio space. To see images of the ceramics studio at Midwestern, go to:
Steve Hilton
[email protected]
Midwestern State University
Juanita and Ralph Harvey School of Visual Arts
3410 Taft Blvd
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(940) 613.7041
Please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions
(Application deadline: July 31, 2011)