by Carole Epp | Jun 28, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Silvermine Arts Center, located in New Canaan, Connecticut, announce their National Craft Triennial, Craft USA ’11 call to craft artists. Open to all U.S. artists 18+. Media: basketry, ceramics, fiber, glass, jewelry, metal, mixed media, paper, and wood. Entry fee. Cash prizes. Juror for the exhibition is Holly Hotchner, Director of the Museum of Arts and Design, MAD, in New York City where she has been since 1996. All artworks must be for sale. A commission of 50% will be charged on all sales.
Deadline: August 26th, 2011 Prospectus with full details and entry form: CraftUSA11Prospectusemail Website link to call: Silvermine Arts Center website: About Silvermine Arts Center: The Silvermine Galleries are recognized as one of New England’s most respected showcases for established and emerging artists. Frequently changing exhibitions include one-person shows by Guild Artists, national and regional juried competitions, and curated shows including prominent artists such as Christo and Jean Claude, Faith Ringgold, Robert Gober, Kiki Smith, and Jasper Johns.via bay area art grind
by Carole Epp | Jun 27, 2011 | Uncategorized

To view more amazing work please visit Coralie’s website here.
Today’s eye candy has been brought to you thanks to Quercy Glosse.
by Carole Epp | Jun 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
BEIJING: After 81 days in detention, China’s best-known artist, Ai Weiwei, has returned home a considerably thinner and noticeably quieter man. ”I’m fine. I’m out,” the 54-year-old artist said by telephone shortly after his release on bail. ”I’m back with my family. I’m very happy.” The state news agency, Xinhua, said police had released him on Tuesday ”because of his good attitude in confessing his crimes” and a chronic illness. Speaking from his home in north Beijing, the usually outspoken artist said he could not comment any further, adding: ”I’m on bail. Please understand.” Ai’s sister, Gao Ge, said: ”I’m very, very happy … we thank everyone, including our media friends, for all their help and support so far.” His mother, Gao Ying, told America’s National Public Radio that the family ”won’t sleep tonight”. The artist’s disappearance on April 3 sparked international condemnation, with political leaders calling for his release and sustained protests throughout the art world. He vanished after he was stopped by officials at Beijing Airport, where he was due to board a flight to Hong Kong.Please read the rest of the article here.
by Carole Epp | Jun 23, 2011 | Uncategorized

Exhibitions run until July 5th.
Kerrie Lowe Gallery
49 – 51 King Street, Newtown NSW 2042 Australia
Phone + 61 2 9550 4433 / Fax + 61 2 9550 1996
Email [email protected]
Hours 10am – 5.30pm Mon-Sat / Thurs till 7pm
The Kerrie Lowe Gallery specialises in contemporary ceramics as well as painting, printmaking, jewellery and sculpture. We also support the ceramic community by providing Sydney’s only inner city outlet for ceramic supplies.
Located at the Sydney University end of King Street, our usual schedule features two concurrent exhibitions; one in the Shopfront Gallery and one in the Small Gallery.
For more info please visit their website.
by Carole Epp | Jun 21, 2011 | Uncategorized

Series Summer School of the Arts, Red Deer College, Alberta Canada
July 4-8 2011
Exuberant Clay Form & Surface |
Creating interesting, exuberant hand-built forms in clay does not have to be hard. In this 5-day workshop, Carol will show her method for constructing some of the unusual ceramic forms she uses in her sculpture and vessels. Our process will include paper templates, carving solid clay forms, and creating a simple 1/4 segment plaster mold. From this press mold we will make numerous forms and variations quickly by connecting, altering, stacking, piercing into and re-combining the component parts. Colour, pattern and texture are important elements in creating a rich ceramic surface and using Carol’s layered approach we will explore many ways to enliven and embellish form. Surface design techniques covered will include stamping, bas relief clay molds, slips, hand-painting wax resist coloured patterns, scraffito, weathering and staining. Some prior experience with clay is recommended. Instructor: Carol Gouthro |
For more info check out the following: