by Carole Epp | Jun 30, 2011 | Uncategorized

CraftCurrents jurors John Ferris, Linda Finn and Laurent Vaillancourt, would like to thank all who submitted work for this exhibition and encourage everyone to view the show either in person or through the on-line catalogue that will be available on the OCC’s website.
Overall, the call for entry was very competitive, and after carefully reviewing a total of 79 entries, the jury chose a final 44 works to be included by the following 34 makers: Kathleen Baleja, Paul E. Beebe, Bernadine Boissoneau, Sharon Breckenridge, Keith Campbell, Christine Charette, Joanne Critchley Browne, David Cureton, Carole Davidson, Jack Dunning, Murray Finn, Kris Goold, Erick and Lisa Hanson, Marke Henteleff, Ursula Hettmann, Susan Higgins, Cheryl Jonah, Noel Keag, Joanne Kelly, Alison Kendall, Jeff Martens, Judy Martin, Marni Martin, Zoe McDougall, Debbie Metzler, Sam Moligian, Jude Ortiz, Irene Peel, Kasia Piech, Tine Schrijvers, Denise Smith, Crystal Sohlman, Christine Williston and Cheryl Wilson Smith.
The pieces utilize a variety of media including bone, brass, ceramics, copper, driftwood, fabric, feathers, fleece, glass, gourds, leather, stainless steel, sterling, sweetgrass, wasp paper and wood finely crafted into a wide range of objects.
Fort Frances Museum launches the exhibition on July 14th and plans are underway for the opening reception. From there the exhibition travels to Thunder Bay Art Gallery and then heads to Northwestern Ontario for stops in Sault Ste. Marie, Huntsville, Elliot Lake (pending) and Hearst.
For more details please visit the Ontario Crafts Council Website.
by Carole Epp | Jun 30, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
11 Sept – 2 Oct 2011
The Clunes Ceramic Award: $5,000
The People’s Choice Award: $1,000
Recognition Awards
* All works are for sale The Clunes Ceramic Award is an initiative of Creative Clunes Inc. in partnership with the Art Gallery of Ballarat and the Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum. The extremely successful inaugural award, in 2010, attracted over 120 entries. The success of the Ceramic Award has ensured its continuation well into the future. In 2010, the winning work by Neville French, ‘Mungo light 3’ was acquired by the Art Gallery of Ballarat for the Permanent Collection. A high commendation was awarded to Phil Elson for his work, In the Brooding Colours of the Late Afternoon Across the Basque. Kim-Anh Nguyen won the ‘Hair Off Bellair’ People’s Choice Award of $1000 for Spinifex Family. Recognition Awards were also presented to Amy Kennedy for her work Vibration Series and to Jane Walton for Lost or Found. In 2011, the winning entry will be acquired by the Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum.
The 2011 Clunes Ceramic Award exhibition will be held at the Union Bank Arts Centre,
22 Fraser Street, Clunes, Victoria, 3370.
Please visit their website for more information.
by Carole Epp | Jun 29, 2011 | Uncategorized
Les Manning, Red River / Pink Plateau, 24cmH X 40cmW X 40cmD, Porcelain base with coarse grogged stoneware crowns. Celadon glaze on the base with low temperature glaze on top and unglazed reduction fired crowns. |
Les Manning: Common/Opposites, April 30 – June 19, 2011, Esplanade Art Gallery, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Review by Quentin Randallfind the article here in Galleries West
by Carole Epp | Jun 29, 2011 | Uncategorized

This month’s Newsletter from Craft Australia is packed full of ceramic goodness you won’t want to miss. Truly reminds me of the vitality and progressive spirit of craft in Australia. (Makes me want to move back!)
Enjoy a read of:
prue venables, ceramics – sustainability, movement and possibility, interview
gwyn hanssen pigott, pottery and presence, interview
fiona fell, ceramics in collaboration – ceramics, plastic and digital media
Tale of Adventure – Cathy Franzi, Porcelain seed boxes
and that’s just for starters. Find it all here.
If you don’t already you should subscribe to receive this amazing monthly publication.
by Carole Epp | Jun 28, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
From their website: The cup is one of the most basic of forms, but provides infinite possibilities. We will be looking for cups that are visually compelling and serve their purpose. We welcome a broad definition of Cup, which may include cups, mugs, tumblers, tea bowls, yunomis — with trays or saucers or not, sets or not. The cups must be functional in a utilitarian way. Website: Prospectus: Cup_Show-Prospectus Deadline: October 7th, 2011, Application postmark deadline About: Baltimore Clayworks is the region’s only cultural institution dedicated solely to the ceramic arts. Founded by nine artists in 1980, Clayworks is a mid-sized cultural 501(c)3 non-profit, attentive to its neighborhood, possessing a national and international reputation for artistic excellence, artists’ support, and community involvement. The mission of Baltimore Clayworks is to develop, sustain, and promote an artist-centered community that provides outstanding educational, artistic, and collaborative programs in the ceramic arts. Its core values are artist-centeredness, excellence, inclusivity, integrity, and joy. Baltimore Clayworks is located in Baltimore, Maryland.via bay area art grind