by Carole Epp | Apr 27, 2011 | Uncategorized

Neufeld, from Osler Saskatchewan, is ex military and a former firefighter. He works with concepts of masculine identity, currently in the form of ceramic transformations of engines and transmissions.

Taking a typically male pre-occupation with muscle cars, he replicates these components in ceramic. Finished like fine china, these sculptures take a grease monkey’s love of car parts and transform them into something precious. Placed on teacarts or chaises longue, these are made the object of attention the equivalent of a prized tea service or reclining nude.

Show runs: April 15, 2011 – July 3 2011 at Two Rivers Gallery in Prince George.725 Civic Plaza
Prince George, BC, V2L 5T1
by Carole Epp | Apr 27, 2011 | Uncategorized

I remember earlier on in my relationship with my mother in law, she would shake her head at me and tell my husband not to believe me when I asked for practical gifts for birthdays and holidays. Anyone claiming to really want that ceramic weight scale for Christmas must surely be nuts. But it has always been the case that some of my favorite gifts to date have been incredibly useful. One of the first Christmases that my husband and I were dating he bought me a banding wheel (oh it must be love!). Since then some of the more notable ones have included a sewing machine and gorgeous old used serger. My inlaws have even accepted my practicality and this year gifted me with some flooring for the studio and extra gloves. And earlier this week, oh to my excitement my lovely husband brought home a ware cart for me for my birthday. I can barely wait to get that sucker filled up with pots. Perfect timing too right as spring sale season kicks into high gear.
Speaking of sales I’ve got an upcoming one this weekend here in Saskatoon. A collective, flock & gather, that I’m a member of is hosting a lovely little sale and if you’re in our neck of the woods please do stop by.
You can find out more here or here.
I’ll be debuting a new line of mini figurine sculptures.
Hope to see you there!
(p.s. to my friends and family – i do really love all the gifts i get, some are just particularly awesome and i’m a workaholic so work related ones always fall into that category of particularly awesome, but i appreciate and love them all as i do each of you! )
by Carole Epp | Apr 26, 2011 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Dutchess County Arts Association/ Barrett Clay Works
3RD Annual National Cup Show
Ceramics Exhibition
JUROR: Adam Welch, Director of Greenwich House Pottery
Manhattan NY
Exhibition Dates: September 24th – December 17th
Opening Reception on Saturday September 24th
Closing Reception Saturday December 17th
The National Cup Show is an exhibit that highlights the many diverse
interpretations of the cup. Both functional and sculptural, this utilitarian
object has been part of daily life for centuries. This event helps to promote
contemporary ceramic artists locally and nationally to celebrate the creativity
and endless interpretations of the simple form: a cup.
Open to all U.S. ceramic artists, age 18 and over. All works submitted should
be 90% clay. Both functional and non-functional pieces are welcome.
Work completed within the last 2 years is eligible. No student projects or work
completed in class will be accepted.
Submitting Images:
There are two ways to submit images:
You may send a CD of your images in JPEG format (300 dpi, 1200 x 1800 pixels)
along with the entry form to 55 Noxon St., Poughkeepsie NY 12601
E-mail your images in high resolution JPEG format (300 dpi, 1200 x 1800 pixels)
along with your contact information (name, mailing address, home/work/cell
phone number) to lspence@…. All image file names must list:
Last name, First name, title, size. (Please no asterisks or quotes.) Work
previously exhibited at DCAA/ Barrett Clay Works are not eligible.
Entry Fee: $30 for the first 3 images; $6 for each additional image.
Awards: Recipients of cash awards will be determined by the juror and
announced at the opening reception. Artists need not to be present to win.
If you have questions, or need more information, please contact Loretta
Spence at (845) 471-2550 or lspence@… or Eileen Sackman at Eileen.Sackman@…
Download the Entry Form at
About the Juror:
Adam Welch became the director of Greenwich House Pottery in March of 2011.
Born in Fairfax, Virginia, he received his BFA from Northern Arizona University
in 2000 and his MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2003.
by Carole Epp | Apr 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
The Hand Wave Gallery presents;

“NATURE MORTE – STILLED LIVES” an exhibition of clay sculpture
May 6 -June 26, 2011
Opening Reception: Sunday May 8 : 2- 5 pm .
Come for a drive and bring a friend.