In May 2011, Ceramics Monthly will feature the works of emerging clay artists. Those actively pursuing a career in ceramics for less than ten years are eligible.
To be considered submit the following:
• Up to five professional-quality digital images (300 ppi resolution on CD, plus a full-size color print of each image), with complete descriptions of works.
• Full contact information including e-mail, artist’s statement and résumé.
Mail to:
Emerging Artist, Ceramics Monthly, 600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210, Westerville, OH 43082.
Do not submit materials in binders or folders. Emailed submissions and submissions of more than five images will not be considered. Submitted materials will not be returned. Due to the volume of entries, no phone calls, please.
Arrival deadline: February 25, 2011
Do you know an emerging artist? Do they need a nudge? Pass this along and help them get the recognition they deserve.