by Carole Epp | Oct 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
Osaka, Japan 5420081

by Carole Epp | Oct 23, 2010 | Uncategorized

via CFCR
“Fall has fell here in Saskatoon, and with the new season comes great new events being put on by your community radio station! We’re really excited to present to you the very first CFCR Community Radio Craftacular, taking place October 29th & 30th at Grace Westminster United Church basement. What the devil is a “Craftacular,” you ask? Well, we wanted to highlight all the great crafters and artisans from right here in Saskatoon and area, so we thought we’d get a bunch of them together in a sort of alternative craft fair. You’ll find all sorts of goodies, from jewelry to ceramics to knitting to books to framed art to knicks, knacks and paddy whacks. It will be a great one-stop for all your early holiday shopping. And, since it’s in a church basement, we thought what better food to serve than perogies from the fine folks at local Saskatoon perogy maker Baba’s? You’ll surely smell the delicious sauteed onions as soon as you come down the stairs, so be sure to get yourself a plate. There will also be beverages, muffins from Earthbound Bakery and other delicious desserts available. The whole thing starts on Friday, October 29th from 5-9pm and picks up again on Saturday the 30th, from 9am-8pm, closing early enough for all the kids to go trick-or-treating! Admission is FREE and there will be door prizes and a 50/50 draw, so you might come out ahead just for attending! Vendor space is almost full, but if you are interested in participating as a seller, email our Program Director, Jay Allen at [email protected] for more information.”
by Carole Epp | Oct 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
by Carole Epp | Oct 22, 2010 | Uncategorized

This is one of my faves. Hope you enjoy, if you don’t already read it.
by Carole Epp | Oct 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
| | Potters Council
Space is Limited Deadline to SAVE $75 ends December 5, 2010

Let your distinctive style emerge Tradition and innovation are central to all artists’ work. Take a little of one, add generous amounts of the other, based on individual preference, and distinctive styles emerge. In this conference, presenters share the styles and techniques they’ve developed, and attendees will get a chance to try them out to see which ones might work for them. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn varied approaches to creating engaging surfaces and forms.
What you’ll learn . . .
Add depth of pattern to your work using the following surface decoration: underglazes and slip for trailing, Thermofax screen printing, paper and vinyl stencils and homemade iron oxide decals in three-firing process.
- Work with soft thin slabs to build functional and sculptural forms.
- Learn how to use templates, altering and darting.
- Experiment with sgraffitio, sprigging, slip trailing.
- Learn how to apply stains, oxide washes and terra sigillata to build layers.
- Discover the technique of inlaying one type of clay into a slab of another type of clay to create a decorative surface.
- Find out how to use templates in the construction of architecturally inspired forms.
- Obtain technical information regarding the use of terra sigillata as a finish and the application of patina finish using a number of non-glaze ceramic materials.
- Techniques and concepts of glaze chemistry will be discussed.
- Special considerations for working with porcelain to avoid cracking and warping will be addressed as the artist builds composite forms through throwing, hand building, and molding various elements.
- Wet altering, pinching and coiling, leather hard forming, stiff shaping, and erosive techniques will be covered.
- And much more!
Saturday and Sunday Presenter Demonstrations
The schedule is set-up so that attendees can pick and choose which classes to attend over the two day event. Attendees will sign-up during Friday and/or Saturday morning registration. Attendees will be asked to choose one presenter for AM and PM for Saturday and Sunday. Each attendee will see four of the six presenters. Special Vendor Exhibition Friday, Saturday and SundayWe’re excited to showcase the SURFACE + FORM sponsors during the Friday night reception. If you have a question, they will have the answer. The sponsors will be available starting Friday night through lunch on Sunday. Be sure to stop by and see them.
AMACO/Brent 6060 Guion Road Indianapolis, IN 46254-122 (800) 374-1600 (317) 244-6871 Website:
Clay Alliance PO Box 9363 Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 Website: Laguna Clay Company/California 14400 Lomitas Avenue City of Industry, CA 91746 (800) 4-LAGUNA or (800) 452-4862 email: [email protected] Your local distributor:
Mayco 4077 Weaver Court South Hilliard, Ohio 43026 (614) 675-2018