Call for Entries – Pan Gallery Award

Closing date: 16 August 2010

Ceramic Art Award.jpg CALL FOR ENTRIES EXHIBITION: TABLE MANNERS Due Monday 16 August 2010 Traditionally, afternoon tea has called for the very finest: your best china, polished silverware and impeccable manners. Attitudes toward decorum and the rules of social etiquette in contemporary society have since relaxed, leading one to question whether table manners have lost their relevance in today’s world.

panGALLERY, in association with Craft Victoria, calls on ceramic artists to submit an original artwork that embraces the dining table’s most iconic representation of good manners: the cup and saucer. How does this usually inseparable pair address the issue of etiquette, or lack thereof, in today’s social settings? Is there still a place at the table for the cup and saucer, and why should knowing which way to drink your tea and place your cup affect this inherently convivial ritual?

Selected works will be included in an exhibition at panGALLERY entitled Table Manners with a final award winner selected from exhibited works and awarded $1500. Work submitted must be new work and not previously exhibited.

Curators: Anita Cummins and Kim Brockett from Craft Victoria Selection Committee: Ray Laurens, Paul Filev, Anita Cummins, Kim Brockett and Sophie Milne Judge: Kris Coad Exhibition Dates: 7 to 27 October 2010, opening Wednesday 6 October 6-8pm DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY HERE

Shiny New Blog and New Molly Hatch Exhibition

Time for a change I reckon. Hope you like the looks of things around here. I was in the mood for something a bit brighter and cleaner. Looks like Blogger might have a few hiccups in the new design template and I’ll try to get that sorted asap.

In the meantime check out the amazing new work by Molly Hatch on exhibition at the Clay Studio in Philadelphia. View the show online here.

And check out the blurb about it on Design Sponge here.

PROTOtype symposium windup

Way back in February (see original post here) I posted about an upcoming symposium on the idea of the Prototype (PROTOtype: Craft it the future tense) co-convened by the Victoria and Albert Museum and Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee. Well the symposium has just winded down and thanks again to the wonder of the internet those of us that we’re able to make it in person can check out a bit about the events and talks on the CRAFT RESEARCH Blog.

Looks like yet another amazing symposium challenging contemporary notions of craft research and boundaries between different creative industries.

Can’t hardly wait…Medalta is calling…

It’s no secret that I’m dying to get to Medalta in July for a month at their amazing residency facility. I’m barely keeping focused on all the work I need to get finished before I can pack up to go, as I’m so excited. I’ve been storing up ideas for new figurative work to sink my teeth into and I’m looking forward to truly having the time again (sans 2 yr old) to do some crafty arty thinking and producing.

And it’s not helping my impatience to be hearing tidbits here and there through the blog, twitter and facebook sphere from the folks that are there right now in the midst of an amazing residency with the incredible Robin Dupont.

I’m drooling over the pics that the lovely Rose Bauer has been posting on her blog Skiing in the dark. Rose not only makes amazing work (one of my most favorite cereal bowls of all time) but she is a true tease to me this month : ) ….my turn will come…