Exhibition Dates: September 24 to October 3, 2010
Fees: £10 ‘Grand and spectacular, ephemeral or concealed, art qualified and created by daily life.’ ~ The theme of our competition is based upon the Statement of intent for Deptford X 2010 by Mark Titchner. Artists working in all mediums are welcome to apply to be selected for an exhibition at Core Gallery which will run during the Deptford X 2010; an international contemporary Arts Festival in South East London, with an audience of over 2,000. Please send a cd with 3xjpegs at low res (120 dpi each), cv and statement plus entry fee of £10 cheque or postal order payable to Cor Blimey Arts Ltd. Send info to: Deptford X Open submission, Core Gallery, Cor Blimey Arts
C101 Faircharm Trading Estate, 8-12 Creekside, Deptford, London, SE8 3DX
Works will need to be delivered to Core Gallery August 2nd-8th. Core Gallery takes a commission of 30% on all works sold at the Exhibition. If you require further information you can email us at [email protected] or look on