call for exhibition proposals now on!
The Gallery of Australian Design (GAD) aims to promote Australian Design in all its forms by staging exhibitions and events of national significance as well as hosting international design exhibitions for Australian audiences. The Gallery is currently seeking exhibition proposals from curators and designers in all fields. Proposals are due at the end of April for exhibitions that will take place in following year. Decisions on proposals are made by the Gallery of Australian Design Advisory Group. Those who submit a successful proposal will need to sign our standard exhibiting contract prior to staging the exhibition. Proposals on a CD should include the following:
- A one A4 page project description
- Eight quality images fully described with title, year, materials, dimensions and photograher’s credit
- Full list of works and insurance values
- CVs of Key personnel
Proposals should be directed to: Jas Hugonnet
Manager, Gallery of Australian Design
44 Parkes Pl
2600 [email protected]
0417 235 916website