by Carole Epp | Apr 30, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Call for artists and artisans in Canadian Badlands Ltd, Historic Clay District’s new artist incubator in downtown Medicine Hat
Medicine Hat – The Canadian Badlands Ltd. and Historic Clay District have partnered to create an artist incubator in downtown Medicine Hat. The space, which will be known as The Hive Artists’ Hub, will provide studio space for artists and/or artisans who wish to focus on their work. In addition, artists will also have access to professional business development and a retail storefront space.
There are five artist and/or artisan studios at The Hive, which are available for artists from a variety of media. The application deadline is May 7, 2010. To apply or for more information, contact Tobie Laliberte at 403.504.5371, [email protected] or visit their website,, or drop by at 569 2nd Street SE
in Medicine Hat, Alberta.
The Hive Artists’ Hub is a Canadian Badlands Ltd. initiative, under the supervision of the Historic Clay District. Located in downtown Medicine Hat, the facility has five artist and/or artisan studios which are subsidized through the Rural Alberta Development Fund. Short and long-term opportunities are available for artists, who will also have access to professional development opportunities and storefront gallery.
Appel aux artistes et aux artisans pour le nouvel incubateur d’artistes de Canadian Badlands Ltd et du Historic Clay District au Centre-ville de Medicine Hat
30 Avril 2010
Medicine Hat – Canadian Badlands Ltd. et Historic Clay District ont créé conjointement un incubateur d’artistes au Centre-ville de Medicine Hat. Le lieu, que l’on nommera The Hive Artists’ Hub, est constitué d’un atelier pour les artistes et/ou artisans qui veulent se concentrer sur leur pratique artistique. De plus, les artistes auront accès au développement professionnel et à un espace de vente et d’exposition.
Il y a cinq espaces disponibles dans le studio de The Hive pour les artistes et/ou artisans pratiquant dans différents médiums. La date limite d’application est le 7 mai 2010. Pour appliquer ou pour plus d’information, contactez Tobie Laliberté au 403.504.5371, [email protected] ou visitez le site web,, ou visitez-le au 569 2nd Street SE, à Medicine Hat en Alberta.
The Hive Artists’ Hub est une initiative de Canadian Badlands Ltd., sous la supervision du Historic Clay District. Situé au centre-ville de Medicine Hat, l’établissement offre aux artistes et/ou aux artisans cinq espaces subventionnés par le Rural Alberta Development Fund. Des opportunitées à court ou à long terme sont disponibles pour les artistes et/ou les artisans qui auront aussi accès à des opportunitées de développement professionnel et d’un espace de vente et d’exposition.
by Carole Epp | Apr 30, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
BE A PART of NCECA 2011: Show us what you’ve got! TIDAL FORCES: The Next Wave – Tampa/St.Pete March 30 to April 2, 2011 NCECA 2011 BIENNIAL EXHIBITION
Tampa Museum of Art will host the 2011 NCECA Biennial from January 29, 2011 to April 24, 2011. Held in odd-numbered years, the NCECA Biennial is the premier juried exhibition open to all current members of NCECA (both national and international) and to all ceramic artists, 18 years and older, residing in the U.S. Please note: artists from outside the U.S. (including Canada) must be NCECA members to enter. Entered works must have been completed within the last 2 years. The exhibition is juried from digital images by three prominent professionals in the field. Entry fee is $20 for members and $40 for non-members. Merit and purchase awards totaling approximately $7,000 are determined by the jurors. NCECA produces a color catalog featuring work by all participating artists. Jurors: Glen R. Brown, Julia Galloway & Arthur Gonzalez Click here for 2011 Biennial prospectus
Deadline to submit is August 30, 2010
NCECA 2011 National Student Juried Exhibition The 45th Annual NCECA Conference, “Tidal Forces: The Next Wave,” will be held in Tampa/St Petersburg, Florida at the Tampa Convention Center,March 30 – April 2, 2011. In conjunction with the conference, the University of South Florida will host the NCECA 2011 National Student Juried Exhibition, March 21 -April 2, 2011. The NCECA 2011 NSJE is open to all full time undergraduate, graduate students and post-baccalaureate students (as defined by their home institution) enrolled in the United States of America. The applicant must be working towards a degree or be a post-baccalaureate in art at the time of submittal. Jurors: Neil Forrest, Ayumi Horie
Click here 2011 NSJE Prospectus
Deadline to Submit: October 1, 2010
Contact Information NCECA Office phone: 866-266-2322
by Carole Epp | Apr 30, 2010 | Uncategorized
California, San Diego, Clay Artists of San Diego sponsors a teapot workshop with presenter, Cindy Teyro.
Date: July 10 – 11, 2010 9:00 to 3:00
Location: Get Centered Clay Studio in La Mesa, California
Fee: $100 for CASD members, $125 for nonmembers.
Workshop limited to 15 participants.
Registration deadline is July 1, 2010.
9::00 AM – 3:00 PM each day
It’s two days of building and learning and playing, oh my! Come join us for a two day hands-on teapot workshop using slab construction techniques. We will explore the technical complexities of a balanced teapot with a good pour and proportions, yet maintaining its interesting if not charming character.Visit their website for more info.
by Carole Epp | Apr 28, 2010 | Uncategorized

Arizona, Prescott
September 11 to September 12
“Cynthia Bringle,” with Cynthia Bringle. May 25 to May 26
“What’s all the Fuss about Reduction, Anyway? ,” with Steven Hill.
May 22 to May 23
“What’s all the Fuss about Reduction, Anyway? ,” with Steven Hill.
vanPrice Fine Art
2057 Heavenly Pl.
928-443-9723 | | [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Apr 27, 2010 | Uncategorized
Okay seriously, why does this have to be sooo far away from me???
These are four of my favorite artists so if you’re lucky enough to live nearby please stop by and check out their spring sale. And if you just so happen to pick up a little something for me, well… i’d love yah forever!
Click on image for more info.