Job posting – Limited-Term Appointment Position in Ceramics


Concordia University’s Department of Studio Arts invites applications for one limited-term appointment position in Ceramics at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, effective August 15, 2010 to May 31, 2011.

Limited-term appointment positions are subject to budgetary approval and department or unit need. Individuals holding limited-term appointments may be reappointed, given continued funding and need, as well as satisfactory job performance. Together, initial appointments and subsequent reappointments may not exceed 36 months or a span of three consecutive years.

Studio Arts is the largest department in the Faculty of Fine Arts and enjoys a longstanding reputation as one of Canada’s foremost environments for the study and creation of visual art. BFA programs are offered in Ceramics, Fibres, Intermedia/ Cyberarts, Painting and Drawing, Photography, Print Media, Sculpture and Studio Art. For more than 30 years, Studio Arts has maintained an MFA program of international stature. The department emphasizes the importance of studio production, boasting an experienced technical staff and a faculty of more than 80 full-time and part-time professors, including some of the most celebrated contemporary artists in the country.

During the initial appointment, the successful candidate will normally be expected to teach three courses per semester (18 credits total) at the graduate and/or undergraduate level.

Candidates for this position should possess an MFA degree or equivalent with a minimum of two years university teaching experience. We are seeking a practicing ceramicist who is actively engaged within the field. The successful candidate should show an unequivocal engagement with the materials of ceramics and a strong understanding of the issues surrounding the contemporary practice of ceramics. Although classes are taught in English, fluency in spoken and written French would be considered an asset.

Submissions should include a letter of application; up-to-date curriculum vitae; a statement of teaching philosophy and interests; evidence of teaching effectiveness (including course syllabi and evaluations) as well as a list of courses taught with course descriptions. Applications should also include documentation of past and present work (DVD, CDR), images of student work (if possible) and the names and contact information of three referees.

Applications with a self-addressed, stamped envelope should be sent to the address listed below no later than March 1, 2010.

Departmental Personnel Committee, Department of Studio Arts,
Concordia University
Re: Limited-Term Appointment Position in Ceramics
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, VA-250, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3G 1M8
Fax: (514) 848-2281

Civic address:
Visual Arts Building
Sir George Williams Campus
1395 René Lévesque Blvd. West, VA-250, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Inquiries regarding this position may be directed, by e-mail, to:

For further information, applicants are encouraged to consult:
Department of Studio Arts website:
Faculty of Fine Arts website:
Academic Services for Fine Arts Faculty:


Object is looking for innovators and activators to lead a 10 day project in the Project Space as part of an exciting new programming initiative in late 2010.

They are looking for a project that forms unexpected connections between disciplines, ideas and audiences. For more information and submission details click HERE

Object Gallery and Collect. 417 Bourke Street Surry Hills. Open Tuesday – Friday 11am – 5pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 5pm. Free Admission. +61 2 9361 4511


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS | Deadline: April 1, 2010 The Core Program awards artist and critical studies residencies to highly motivated, emerging visual artists and critical writers who have completed their academic training but have not yet fully developed a professional career. About the program
Established in 1982 within the Glassell School of Art of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Core artist residencies encourage intensive and innovative studio practice as well as the elaboration of an intellectual framework to understand that practice. In 1998, the Core critical studies residencies were established to provide an opportunity for writers to pursue independent curatorial and writing projects and to promote the discourse necessary for both artists and critics to sustain their practices. Throughout the year, residents engage in ongoing dialogue with each other and meet with pre-eminent artists, critics, curators, and art historians. How to apply
For application instructions, please visit

Call for Submissions: Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics

NEW DEADLINE: received by June 30, 2010 by 5pm
SEND TO: Robert Achtemichuk,
Director Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics
Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery
25 Caroline Street North
Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5
519.746.1882, ext. 231 AWARD GALA: September 16, 2010 The Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics is a national award for ceramic artists and potters. Thanks to the ongoing partnership with Mrs. Winifred Shantz and the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, the award is presented to a practicing early career artist who has been working professionally for between 5 to 10 years. The Award is intended to allow the artist to undertake a period of independent research or other activities with the capacity to advance their artistic and professional practice at a key moment in the artist’s career. The winner of the Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics receives $10,000. The selection panel is comprised of experienced contemporary ceramic artists, potters and curators. This jury will choose one winner and the results will be announced at a gala event on September 16, 2010. This award will be presented and announced at the same time as the winner for the RBC Award for Glass.
All of the Winifred Shantz Award winners to date have represented the remarkable practices that make up contemporary ceramic art. Previous winners include: Jasna Sokolovic (2009), Kasia Piech (2008), Rory MacDonald (2007), Ying-Yueh Chuang (2006), Kate Hyde (2005), Joan Bruneau (2004), Marc Vincent Egan (2003), Laurent Craste (2002), Susan Collett (2001) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
To apply to the Winifred Shantz Award, you must be a Canadian citizen or have Permanent Resident status, as defined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. You must also meet the definition of a professional artist, which is an artist who:
-has developed skills through training and/or practice in the field (not necessarily in academic institutions)
-is recognized as such by artists working in the same artistic tradition
-has a history of public presentation or publication, and
-seeks payment for her or his work and actively practises his or her art (short breaks in artistic work history are allowed).

Applicants must have maintained an independent professional practice for at least five to a maximum of ten years prior to the date of application. -Students are not eligible

The Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery and the Winifred Shantz Award for Ceramics is accessible to Aboriginal artists and artists of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS (Activities may be combined, and are to take place within a period of one year. Project duration is dependent on applicant’s needs and proposal.)
-travelling for career development
-connecting with mentors
-visiting other studios
-studying museum collections
-investigating kiln sites
-liaising with industry to perform research that will further in-studio production
-participating in national/international residencies or symposia

Not Eligible: tuition fees SUPPORT MATERIAL (include one hard copy of all requested texts with your application and include a copy of all texts in digital format with the images on the CD-ROM)
1. PROJECT PROPOSAL (maximum 1 page) A single page outlining how the award will be used: a proposal of the research program and its intended relevance to the applicant’s future work.
2. CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum 2 pages) Please include the following information: -professional training (educational background, mentors, workshops, etc.)
-exhibition or public presentation history (including the dates, titles, names and locations of galleries or place of presentation, whether solo or group shows)
-collections: public, corporate and private
-bibliography of critical reviews of your work
-prizes, awards and other grants
-other activities related to your practice.
3. IMAGE LIST -List must follow titles of each image as identified in the CD-ROM
4. IMAGES -Fifteen (15) digital still images on one CD-ROM (35 mm slides are no longer accepted)
-present your works chronologically, from the oldest to the most recent work -some of the digital images can provide an installation or exhibition view, giving an idea of the dimensions of the work relative to the space (if applicable)
-title each file (image) with a number, your initials, the year and title of your work. Ensure that the numbers for the first nine images begin with a zero (for example: 01initialsyeartitle.jpg, 02initialsyeartitle.jpg) SPECIFICATIONS Submit jpg files only Submit files at a resolution of 72 dpi only
Submit files of a maximum of 1024 x 768 pixels (height must not exceed 768 pixels)
Submit files of 1 MB maximum
Don’t submit any type of presentation (such as PowerPoint)
Don’t submit compressed files (WinZip, Stuffit, etc.)
Don’t include hyperlinks to Internet sites with your images
Don’t submit material that requires software, plug-ins, extensions or other executables that need to be downloaded or installed Don’t submit any files by email Test your material before submission to ensure that it is formatted correctly. It is your responsibility to ensure that all material reaches the Gallery in a readable format.

ADDITIONAL REQUIRED SUPPORT MATERIAL You will need to submit a letter of confirmation and profile of host institution, documents outlining itinerary, as well as confirmation from mentors or industrial partners and disclosure of the terms of agreement between partners and the recipient.

FINAL REPORT A final illustrated report is to be submitted summarizing the benefits received from the award, no later than 18 months after the award is granted.

You must send all required support material in one package. An application that does not include all required support material will be considered incomplete, and will be withdrawn from the competition. All submissions will be kept on file at the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery’s Artists’ Registry for archival purposes and cannot be returned.

Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery
25 Caroline Street North,
Waterloo, ON
N2L 2Y5 519.746.1882
Fax 519.746.6396


Alberta Craft Council
Much of the joy and satisfaction of craft making is highly individual and personal. Whether for a dedicated amateur or a celebrated professional, the common ground is often the love of material and process, the love of experimentation, the love of ideas, the love of family or cultural expressions, the love of giving, the love of being appreciated, or simply the love of personally made objects. 2010 is the Alberta Craft Council’s 30th Anniversary. We want members to participate in a special exhibition that explores the love of making fine craft. Tell us about your passion; when did you discover your overwhelming need to create; why were you drawn to your chosen medium; and what is your inspiration? Show other members your most “loved” work. We want to celebrate the full spectrum of craft making from ACC members at all stages of accomplishment or career and from diverse creative backgrounds. We want to exhibit one of your most-loved pieces, and to hear from you (100 words or less) about your creative love.

Your submission should include:

  • 100 word explanation -up-to-date cv, artist statement & bio
  • good quality digital images (4×6 – 300dpi)
  • portrait image of yourself in the studio or against a neutral background
  • image list that includes: title, medium and techniques used, date created, dimensions and image credit.

Send your submission to the Alberta Craft Council 10186 – 106 Street, Edmonton AB T5J 1H4.