“Prototype” will be co-convened by the Victoria and Albert Museum and Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee, and will explore the radical and multiple ways that creative people are experimenting with ideas. The symposium looks to excite the mind and nurture unusual conversations by presenting a diverse range of perspectives concerned with innovation and ingenuity.

Prototyping is done in many industries – from cars to ceramics, medical equipment to publishing, architects to chefs – but the process, development and understanding for each is different. What can one discipline teach another about prototyping? What place does prototyping hold for scientists, artists, politicians, athletes or business managers? How can prototyping lead these and other disciplines to imagine and re-imagine the future?

This event aims to reduce barriers by generating trans-disciplinary conversations, thus setting the scene for the forging of new partnerships and fresh understandings for contemporary and future craftspeople. We hope to bring together representatives from academia, public and corporate sectors to discuss the history, theory and practice of prototyping, thereby creating a sustainable network of like-minded individuals and organisations that will continue to develop prototyping as a tool for change.

Invited speakers include:

• Michael Schrage, Business Innovator, MIT
• Elizabeth Sanders, Participatory Designer, MakeTools
• Stuart Brown, Biomedical Engineer, University of Dundee
• Norman Klein, Novelist & Cultural Critic, California Institute of the Arts
• Simon Starling, Conceptual Artist
• Pieter Jan Stappers, Design Theorist and Innovator, University of Delft
• Hazel White, Interactive Jeweller, University of Dundee
• Leonardo Bonanni, Architect, Designer, Artist, MIT Media Lab
• Frederic Schwartz, Architectural Historian, University College London
• Constance Adams, Space Travel Architect, Synthesis International
• Rosan Chow, Designer, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
• Chicks on Speed, Musicians, Artists, Innovators

Prototype – Craft in the Future Tense will be acting as the central focus for Craft Festival Scotland, an ambitious series of nationwide events happening throughout the summer of 2010. “Future Craft”, the theme for Dundee’s contribution to the Festival, will portray the different faces of craft and the different voices it has as a creative practice. It will focus on reviving the way people see craft by initiating a range of public events comprising several major exhibitions, films and workshops which are set to challenge perceptions and profile debates around craft.

The University of Dundee has, for the past two years, been at the forefront of the V&A at Dundee Steering Group, with support from Abertay University, Dundee City Council, Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish government. The project, which aims to establish a presence for the Victoria & Albert Museum at the heart of the city’s waterfront, took a massive step forward in August when Michael Russell MSP, Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution, announced the Scottish Government’s significant commitment of support. An international architecture competition was launched in January of this year for the £47m centre, financial support for which is expected to come from the Scottish government, philanthropic and corporate sponsors via a charitable trust. As the first V&A base outside of London, V&A at Dundee would aim to provide space in which to showcase Scottish applied arts and design in an international context, act as a focus for debate and dialogue for the creative economy, enhance the creative environment for the benefit of the general public and creative education, and create a platform for partnership working in the cultural sector in Scotland.

We hope you will be able to join us for Prototype – Craft in the Future Tense, and Crafts Festival Scotland, in Dundee this June. Online registration is now open, and more information may be found on the event website, http://www.dundee.ac.uk/djcad/prototyping. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel would be interested in taking part.

For more info:
— Catherine Brown
Prototype: Craft in the Future Tense Symposium Co-ordinator (10-11 June 2010: Registration NOW OPEN!)
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design
University of Dundee

t: +44 (0) 1382 388829
f: +44 (0) 1382 385363
w: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/djcad/prototyping/