by Carole Epp | Jan 31, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
The College of the Arts at Kent State University seeks a dean and invites
nominations and expressions of interest.
Founded in 1910, Kent State University is the largest public multi-campus
system in Ohio with eight campuses serving 38,457 students in local
communities across Northeast Ohio. It provides the intellectual,
scientific, social, economic, and artistic resources of a major research
university in a safe and serene campus setting. The Kent Campus has a
student body of 25,000. The University is characterized by its
collaborative culture, strong academic and research orientation, and
commitment to diversity and community engagement.
The College of the Arts includes the School of Art, the Shannon Rodgers and
Jerry Silverman School of Fashion Design and Merchandising, the Hugh A.
Glauser School of Music, and the School of Theatre and Dance. The College
serves more than 2,500 students at the baccalaureate through doctoral
levels, through eight degree options and over 50 individual program
concentrations. The purview of the Dean of the College of the Arts also
includes the Kent State University Museum, which houses one of the nation¹s
preeminent collections of historic and contemporary fashionable dress.
The dean reports to the provost and provides strategic and operational
leadership to advance the college. The ideal candidate will be a strong
advocate for the arts, an educator with a clear vision, a committed
artist/scholar, and a professional able to imagine new possibilities for the
college. He or she must have a deep appreciation of and commitment to
supporting each of the disciplines represented in the college. The dean,
with the faculty, will be responsible for recruiting and retaining faculty
and for new program development. Increasing the diversity of the student
body and the faculty is essential to the mission of the college and the
university as a whole.
He or she will take a leading role in raising funds externally from
corporations, foundations and individuals to support the college¹s mission.
The dean will serve as the principal steward for the college¹s resources
its faculty and staff, students, finances, and facilities.
The candidate should have credentials appropriate for appointment as a
tenured full professor in one of the program areas of the College. Salary
is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Review
of applications will continue until the position is filled. Application
materials including a cover letter addressing qualifications, curriculum
vitae and the names and contact information of three or more references
should be sent to:
Keli Greene, Search Coordinator
Kent State University, Office of the Provost
P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242
Email: [email protected]
by Carole Epp | Jan 30, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Deadline: April 16, 2010
Exhibition Dates: June 9 – July 9, 2010
Jurors: TBA Applications may be obtained at colleges /universities with Fine / Visual Arts Programmes across Canada Feb 2010. Students are responsible for return shipping of works. Canadian residents only. For application / info: please call 647.435.5858 or email
[email protected].
by Carole Epp | Jan 30, 2010 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
The Alberta College of Art + Design is one of only four publicly funded Canadian post-secondary institutions devoted exclusively to the advanced education of visual artists and designers. The college has recently entered into a vital new phase in its development and embraced a new mandate and vision that endorse a model of the institution as a laboratory for experimentation and as a catalyst for cultural development and creative inquiry into the arts and emergent cultural fields. The college welcomes applications for the upcoming 2010 – 2011 academic year for the position of: Visiting Artist/Instructor – Ceramics (Competition 0910-JA-FT-17)
Nine (9) month appointment – over two (2) semesters from August 23, 2010 to May 31, 2011 This position has been an integral part of the Ceramics program for over 20 years and is funded under the ACAD Rawlinson Visiting Faculty Program made possible by the generous donation of the Jill Rawlinson Fund. To complement existing instructional resources, the Visiting Artist in Ceramics will instruct a total of four (4), six (6) hour long studio courses at all levels of the undergraduate BFA in Ceramics program and will be expected to participate in Ceramics program activities and administrative workload. The Visiting Artist will receive remuneration (on a prorated –basis) in line with the salary of a full time instructor teaching a two course per semester load and will be provided with a generous studio space within the Ceramics facility. Firing and glaze materials will be provided. The Visiting Artist will be expected to maintain a personal research/studio practice during the time at ACAD and will be invited to mount a solo exhibition/presentation of her/his research/studio practice at the college in April 2011. Qualifications
The successful candidate will have: a significant professional exhibition record and recognition as a ceramist, an MFA or an equivalent degree or combination of education and professional experience in ceramics, substantial teaching experience at the post secondary level, excellent technical skills and a wide knowledge of all aspects of the discipline with a particular regard for the international ceramics profession. Applicants with a studio practice and teaching experience in the fields of sculpture and/or ceramics design are particularly sought for this academic year. Please submit applications by March 1, 2010 including: letter of application; the names/email/telephone contacts of three (3) referees; a current curriculum vitae; Two statements, one outlining teaching philosophy and practice and one regarding studio and research practice; twenty (20) images of recent studio work accompanied by a corresponding numbered list including titles, medium and size (all in C.D. format) to: Alberta College of Art + Design
1407 – 14th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 4R3
Fax: 403.284.6236
E-mail: [email protected] Alberta College of Art + Design is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes expressions of interest from all qualified applicants for consideration for this or other suitable vacancies. While we thank all applicants in advance for their interest, please note that only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. In situations with several qualified candidates, preference will normally be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
by Carole Epp | Jan 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
(deadline: February 19)

THE TULIPAMWE ARTS TRUST is a community empowerment project organized under the auspices of the VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT at the UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA Professional, self-reliant, dynamic artists who work in any traditional or new visual arts media are invited to apply for the Tulipamwe Residency in Namibia from 12 April – 12 May 2010. Tulipamwe’s residency program offers the artist-in-residence an opportunity to live and work in Windhoek, capital of Namibia for a period of 4 weeks, giving the visiting artist the opportunity to integrate in the local artistic community and to respond to the local situation in his/her work. Tulipamwe endeavors to facilitate cultural exchange and creative dialogue in support of the international Triangle artists’ network, to which it is affiliated. Therefore the artist is welcome (but not obliged) to collaborate with Namibian artists during the residency. Artists are also encouraged to respond to their individual experience of the Namibian cultural environment in their work. Designed as an opportunity to grow creatively and to expand cultural horizons, the residency does not offer any kind of financial remuneration. However, Tulipamwe will endeavor to cover self-catering accommodation and basic materials, plus a daily allowance for meals and local transport. Tulipamwe will also, depending on the route of travel, attempt to cover international travel costs. However, artists who are able to attract financial assistance for their travel to/from Namibia (or part of it) will enjoy priority. (Applications can be submitted to ArtMovesAfrica who may assist with traveling costs of African artists). The artist-in-residence will be invited to offer a visual presentation and/or practical demonstration of his/her work to Namibian artists, students and the general public, thereby contributing to general education. Digital or analog equipment will be available for this presentation. Towards the end of the residency, the artist-in-residence will be invited to hold an open studio day, while the residency will culminate in an exhibition in a Windhoek gallery. Application details: Only email applications will be considered. The following need to be submitted: * A brief Curriculum Vitae, detailing your nationality, country of residence, training, specialization, exhibition record and workshop experience.
* A letter motivating your intent
* A recent photo of yourself
* 5 jpeg images of your recent artworks, not older than 2 years
* Names and e-mail address of two referees.
* NB: your email must not exceed 1MB, including attachments. If you cannot include everything in 1MB, please send more than one email. Application deadline: 19 February 2010

For further information contact:
Nicky [email protected] or Hercules [email protected] Website:
by Carole Epp | Jan 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
Budapest Residency (deadline: February 6/ March 6)
The Hungarian Multicultural Center Artist Residencies
The Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.R (HMC), 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, invites interested visual artists, writers, performers to submit application for its residency program in Budapest, Hungary. The residencies offer participants to interact with other artists representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Approximately 6-8 artists are invited for each session. Program Dates:
Tuesday May 11, 2010 – Thursday, June 3, 2010 –Deadline (must be received) by February 6. 2010* Tuesday, June 8, 2010 – Thursday, July 1, 2010 –Deadline (must be received) by March 6. 2010* Tuesday, July 6, 2010 – Thursday, July 29, 2010 –Deadline (must be received) by March 6. 2010*
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 – Thursday August 26, 2010 –Deadline (must be received) by March 6. 2010*
Monday, December 27, 2010 – Tuesday, January 11, 2011 –Deadline (must be received) by September 6. 2010* Applications via email only.
Work samples: 5-10 jpeg images, under 1 MB each. For film/video, please email clearly labelled youtube/site links. Please do not refer us to a general website link or send an incomplete application. While HMC does not provide funding for residencies, we are helping to facilitate the creation of program, the cost of the exhibitions and cover %40 of total cost, artists cover %60.
We encourage the applicants to apply for a grant or scholarship. For questions, application form please write to Beata Szechy [email protected] via