by Carole Epp | Dec 12, 2009 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Entry Deadline: December 16, 2009
Location: LaGrange, Illinois
Exhibition Dates: January 16–February 17, 2010
Sponsored by Terra Incognito Studios and Gallery
Open to working potters and ceramic artists living in the United States, the focus of this exhibit is pouring vessels of all sorts, pitchers, teapots, gravy/sauce boats, flasks, bowls, ewers, etc. A minimum of three purchase awards will be awarded by Juror David Toan, The show will be juried by high quality digital images.
The fee is $25 for a maximum of three entries.
For more information visit or go here to download the prospectus.
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2009 | Uncategorized

Shoko Teruyama

Circa Ceramics
This one is definitely worth checking out, especially since it’s online as well. Some of those plates, well it might be the photo, but at a quick glance you’d be tricked into thinking they’re clay. Interesting show concept.
Check it out here or in person until the 9th of January
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2009 | Uncategorized
Just a wee note regarding Artist of the Day Month. As promised I will include everyone that has sent me images – and we have more than enough now, so as a special bonus the month will continue into the new year. Which in my opinion is the best way to start out the year. Could you imagine if we had artist of the day all year long? Oh how fantastic…Anyhow my dear readers you are always welcome to send me more images and statements and I will always share them with the Musing community. However in regards to the giveaway contest – any entries received by midnight on Saturday Dec 12th will be eligible (that means that even if you are showcased in the new year you are still eligible so log as you get in by this deadline). I do need some sort of a cut off day, so there you go. Otherwise at this rate I might have to add another prize!!! You’re all so worthy!!!
For those that didn’t get around to sending in their stuff this time round not to fear another Artist of the Day month will rear its head again sometime in 2010 so get your stuff ready to go. And don’t forget the second prize is won by writing comments and the comments have been pretty quiet so far, so some of you have a much better chance of winning! : )
But now on to the important stuff – our talented artist of the day!

“Brief Statement
For as long as I can remember I have loved clay. I am both captivated and enraptured by it. It leaves me feeling in awe of life. I have always felt connected to this wondrous soft and sensuous material and it inspires me to acknowledge the depth of the human spirit and soul. When I made the decision to enter into this field, there was an instant acknowledgment within that this was what I had longed for my whole life through.

My primary focus revolves around functional forms, pieces that are lovely to look at, to hold, and to use. I believe that through handling and using pottery, that its true beauty is revealed; it’s amazing how a piece of mother earth can be transformed into something that has a spiritual connection, a functional purpose, and an everlasting impression. Hence, the pieces I specifically design for people are always created with their daily rituals in mind. Because I primarily work in oxidation (electric kiln), it seems necessary to give more attention and thought to surface design and decoration. I love to explore glazes and reactions to one another.

I recently took a week long course on slip decoration, which not only enhanced my skills as a potter, but gave me the opportunity to connect with other potters; such connections are inspiring because it gives more clarity to where I am at creatively and also direction to where I hope to be in the future.

Brief Bio
Janson Pottery was started by Janet Holson Mazzer in 1995 after she completed a full-time ceramic art & design program at George College in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. “I remember my first encounter with clay as a young child making mud pies at the side of our home. I loved the feel and the texture of it.” “When I entered high school, I sought out the ceramics programs and remember feeling totally enraptured by the process. I left it behind and always kept that connection in the back of my mind and knew that someday I would return to it.” “After many years of working in the accounting field, I had an opportunity to take a part-time course at George Brown College. I remember trying to recall what I was so taken by. It wasn’t long before I felt the return to the place that I felt captivated by. I decide to enroll in the full time program. After completing my studies, Janson Pottery was born.” In October of 2002, her functional work was featured on Sue Warden’s “Craftscapes” and in the November of 2003, Janet was also featured on Sue Warden’s “Creative Spirit” on the Home & Garden Television Network. “In 2004, we relocated our family to a quieter life in beautiful Midland, Ontario. Today, I still have the affection for this wondrous material and now divide my love for pottery and sculpture with my love for family.”
My website address is
by Carole Epp | Dec 11, 2009 | call for entry, emerging artist, job posting, monday morning eye candy, movie day, residency opportunity, show us your influences, technical tuesday
Exhibition: Central Time Ceramics
Central Time Ceramics is a biennial ceramics competition open to all ceramic artists over the age of 18 living and working in the Central Time Zone. Artwork submitted must have been completed within the last three years and all forms of ceramic expression are encouraged.
Three cash awards, worth over $1,500 will be made to the top artists in the show.
Purchase awards will also be made by the University.
Juror will be Matt Wilt who earned his MFA from Ohio University and his Bachelor’s degree from Penn State University. Matt’s work is exhibited nationally and internationally and he has received numerous awards including a Pennsylvania council of the Arts Fellowship and the Evelyn Shapiro Foundation Fellowship. Matt currently teaches ceramics at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville.
January 15, 2010 Entry Deadline
Each artist must pay a non-refundable entry fee of $30 for up to three entries or $40 for five entries.
There are two ways to apply: By mail or online.
Download the pdf prospectus here.
To apply online please visit our online entry form page.
by Carole Epp | Dec 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
Deadline for application: January 15
Stride’s +15 Window Space exhibits emerging and aspiring artists (including students). Preference is given to site-specific, installations, and new or experimental work. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis; applications submitted before January 15, 2010 will be considered for programming slots in Spring and Summer 2010.
For more information on submission guidelines check out: