7th Conference of the International Committee
for Design History and Design Studies
ICDHS 2010 20-22 September 2010
Brussels, Belgium
Deadline abstracts – 31 December 2009
The conferences of the International Committee of Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS) aim to assess the current state of affairs of design history and design studies. The seventh ICDHS conference, “Design and Craft: A History of Convergences and Divergences”, will bring the relation between design and craft to the fore. This theme offers an excellent opportunity to gather new design historical and theoretical research from over the world in a focused discussion on regional specificities as well as the impact of global processes of industrialisation. If, until now, design history has been largely dominated by the Western narratives of industrialization, then moving the focus towards non- industrial design practice might bring non-Western scholars to the forefront. Moreover, previously marginalized design histories in industrialized countries can finally get a voice. The Brussels’ ICDHS conference will contain strands where the emphasis is laid on the presentations (of about 20 minutes each) and workshops with an emphasis on debate and discussion. ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS
Papers are expected to make an original contribution to the field of design history and design studies. People who are interested in presenting a paper should send an abstract for refereeing. Paper proposals will be selected by the ICDHS members and the scientific committee to cover different areas, methods, approaches and positions.
Abstracts should be maximum 300 words.
Each entry should incorporate the following information: Author’s(s’) full name(s), (+gender (M/F), in brackets), Title – Position – Institution – Address for correspondence – Telephone – Fax – E-mail – Theme of the paper (see conference strands and workshops), indicating a first and second choice – Title of the paper – Abstract of the paper. Abstract and later paper submissions should be sent by e- mail as a Microsoft Word or RTF document, double-spaced on A4. Preferred typeface is 12pt Times new Roman. The official language of the conference is English. Please send abstract and paper submissions to the following address: [email protected]
STRANDS 1. The Impact of International Organisations
2. Craft and Tourism
3. Towards an Aesthetic of Objects
4. The Design Critic, a Lost Profession?
5. Revival of Traditional Techniques
6. Craft, Design and Postmodernity
7. Fashion and Craft
8. Ruptures and Continuities: The Historiographic Understanding of Craft and Design
9. Craft and Technological Innovation
WORKSHOPS 1. “Design Centres” and Design Exhibitions
2. Craft and Gender
For further details on the themes go here.